Chapter 6

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Everyone on the bus, except for Nikki and I, gave mean glares towards Doc. I was still holding Nikki while he was on his knees. Nasty words were getting thrown at Doc, and he deserved it. I was on my way out of the doors of the bus to get away from my past being shoved down my throat. I was going to have to deal with it eventually, so why was Doc trying to make me deal with it now? I have never done anything to him and he hates me. Whatever, my main concern right now is Nikki. 

I lifted him up from his knees and pulled him closer to me. Verbal abuses were still being tossed back in forth from everyone on the bus towards Doc. I made my way to the back with Nikki and we both sat on the bed in silence for a minute. Nothing but mumbled yelling from the front of the bus could be heard. Now was the best time to talk about whatever he wants to talk about. I looked at him, and at the same time he turned to look at me. I gazed into his sparkling green eyes and felt his feelings seep into my body. I know I had hurt him, even an idiot can figure that out, but I didn't know it was this badly. 

Sasha: " I honestly didn't think you would have cared."

Nikki: "Why would you think that?"

Sasha: "Because we weren't together, we didn't plan it, and you're a rock star."

Nikki: "What does my job have to do with anything?"

Sasha: "C'mon Nikki, don't play dumb. You're still living the fast life, I didn't think you would want to settle down."

Nikki: "You knew how I felt about you and the baby. I told you I wanted to keep it."

Sasha: "Yea but at any moment you could start to run away from your parental responsibilities, and then I would have been doing everything alone. I was scared."

Nikki: "I'm not like that."

Sasha: "No one would have wanted you to have a black baby anyway. You know people would have everything mean and nasty to say about our child."


Sasha: "Okay. Please let's not yell."

Nikki: "I'm sorry. I just... I don't care about that stuff. I was going to love my kid not matter what."

Sasha: "I'm sorry I took it away from you, I'm sorry I didn't let you say goodbye, I'm sorry I ran off without telling you, I'm sorry I chose Slash over you, and I'm so sorry for hurting you. That was never my intention to hurt you Nikki." 

My voice started to crack and tears formed in my tears. I couldn't even look at him anymore without feeling ashamed of myself. I felt him move closer to me, and then he gently grabbed my chin with his strong hands. His green eyes stared into my brown eyes and I could feel the forgiveness in his body transfer to mines.  

Nikki: "It's alright Sasha. I'm glad you apologized and I forgive you, I really do. All I wanted was an explanation and apology. We can move on from this now. I'm sorry about our kid, but I'm concerned about your well being right now. I can tell you've been through a lot."

I began to hysterically sob. I fell into his chest and grabbed onto his big arms. I felt like I couldn't breathe. It's like he saw right through me, and every part of myself I was trying to hide he saw it easily. I didn't know what to do with myself.  

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