Chapter 13

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I woke up feeling drained. My mind was racing through my sleep and it didn't stop, not even for a moment. I dreaded having my thoughts race all night next to Jon, but I also dreaded having to get up and live another day. I hated being here with him, but I needed to make the most of it. I was living in a nice penthouse, I can have whatever I want whenever I want it, and people like me for being with Jon. I had to give up my freedom, my dream job, and food but it's worth it. Right? 

I got up and did my regular morning routine. All the days started to blend together because I would do the same thing every single day. I won't get any sleep the night before, I do my morning routine, I eat "breakfast", I go out with Jon and take a million pictures for strangers, I eat a salad for lunch, we argue throughout the day, I come home and stay home alone while Jon is out partying (some nights he forces me to go with him), we have terrible sex, and the cycle repeats itself. 

It's the second week of me staying with Jon and I have stopped sleeping (I take small naps in between the day), and I have stopped eating. Jon and I barely talk, and that's because he only wants to talk about himself, he doesn't care about my thoughts and feelings. I don't want to leave the house, but I also don't want to be trapped in that prison I call home. I've lost a few pounds and Jon likes that I'm getting slimmer. I cry every day and every night. I feel numb, I feel nothing, and I feel empty. Whatever light I had left inside of me has finally burned out.  

It's the beginning of the third week being with Jon, a Tuesday to be exact. I decided to stay in bed today and Jon let me because I convinced him that I was sick. I was sick, sick of him. He left and I decided to take a bath and then watch t.v. all day. While I was on the couch in my underwear I heard a banging on the door. I didn't get up to answer it and whoever it was eventually left. The banging on the door irritated me, so I went back to lay in bed. Jon came home, changed his clothes, and then went out clubbing. He came back home and the terrible sex started again. This night was different though and it scared me and also made me furious. While we were in the middle of having sex a woman burst through the doors. She was screaming, crying, and fighting Jon. She eventually got away from him and attacked me. She was only able to pull some of my hair but seeing her swinging at me was terrifying. She went on and on screaming at Jon and asking him why he would hurt her like this, why would he break up his family, what did she do that would make him want to cheat on her? She is his wife. I felt disgusted. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Nothing much came up because I haven't been eating. I can't believe I have been sleeping with a married man for three weeks. I hated Jon, but mostly I hated myself. He got her to calm down and then came into the bathroom where I was. You would think he was coming in there to check on me. 

Jon: "Sasha you have to go?"

Sasha: "What?"

Jon: "Yea you need to leave."

Sasha: "Wait a minute. I'm being kicked out even though you are the one that's been lying about being married?"

Jon: "I didn't think she was coming back this soon. I especially didn't think she would see the pictures of us."

Sasha: "You're a rock star dumb ass! Why did you think she wouldn't see them?!"

Jon: "She was supposed to be on a cruise for the whole summer that's why. I made sure I kept calling you my friend so we wouldn't get caught."

Sasha: "We? I had no parts in this. I didn't know you are married. I feel like a fucking fool!"

Jon: "Okay, sorry. You have to leave now Sasha. I need to fix things with my wife."

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