Chapter 7

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We arrived to the big arena where the show is going to be held at. Everyone got off the bus and grabbed personal items like it was no big deal, because to them it wasn't, but to me it was very big deal. I was still not used to this life of being at crazy concerts, wining and dining, and being a celebrity. I always get tiny tastes of that lifestyle but I never fully dived into it, and to be honest I'm scared to. I got off the bus and walked closely by Sharise. Vince was obviously trying to get away from her and Heather was walking with Tommy, so there I was walking in the back and she wanted someone to talk to. She mostly complained about Vince, and while she was talking I couldn't help but zone out a few times because Nikki would catch my attention. He walked so proudly, he stood big and strong, his tan skin glistened in the afternoon sun, his long and dark hair blew in the wind, and his smile from his side profile beamed brightly. He looked perfect. I think I went too long without responding to Sharise and she noticed it. 

Sharise: "Hello, Sasha?!"

Sasha: "Uh yea, what?"

Sharise: "You didn't hear anything I've said?"

Sasha: "No, I did. I was just uh-"

Sharise: "Too busy looking at Nikki?"

Sasha: "What?! No I was just- Ugh, never mind."

Sharise: "Look I know you already said you're not over your ex, and you don't want to hurt Nikki, but c'mon Sasha at least allow your self to have fun."

Sasha: "Fun?"

Sharise: "Yes, fun! Sneak around a little bit. Ya know.."

Sasha: "Sneaking around and everything does sound fun, but it also sounds chaotic. I just want a normal relationship."

Sharise: "It doesn't matter if it's Nikki or Slash, dating guys like them will never be normal. I would know I'm married Vince Neil for God's sake."

I slowed down my walking and Sharise continued to walk ahead of me inside the arena. Her words played over and over in my mind, and she was right. It doesn't matter who I date, if they're a "rock star" then it will never be a normal relationship. However, with Slash we made it as normal as we could and it felt good. It felt like two normal, young adults in love. The difference now is that he made it big time, and if we were to get back together it wouldn't be normal anymore. If I wanted normal then I should have stayed home and married one of those lame, country bimbos. I shook my head in confusion about relationship because that's all they really are, a big ball of confusion. 

Everyone walked into a dressing room that belonged to them. Vince and Sharise went into Vince's dressing room, Tommy and Heather went into Tommy's dressing room, Mick went into his dressing room and I'm sure his girlfriend Emi joined him later, so all that was left was me and Nikki. Nikki went into his dressing room and I thought I would just walk around more to kill time, but my plans got interrupted when Nikki came back into the hallway. 

Nikki: "You coming or what?"

Sasha: "Oh, uhhh I didn't know I was suppose to-"

Nikki: "You were just going to stand out in the hallway?"

Sasha: "No, I was going to check out more of the arena."

Nikki: "It's nothing to see really. C'mon, come chill with me."

Sasha: "Well, alright."

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