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"PACK UP ALL YOUR STUFF OR YOU AIN'T MOVIN' NOWHERE!!", I heard my mom screaming from the living room. I tried to throw everything I could into my bag. I really didn't want to move, but I have to if I want to live. My city had an "accidental" explosion happen. Our city was flowing with nuclear waste from the place that exploded. Although, I do know where I'm going. I have a ticket for this place named (your town name). I was really excited to go there. I have never been there before, but I heard it was full of mystical creatures. I finally got all of my important things packed up and went downstairs. "Oh, and one more thing honey," my mom said with a troubled look. "We won't be able to come with you."

Oh no. My stomach hurt just hearing that. My eyes started to water. "No! You can't be serious! There has to be a way for you come somehow!" I burst into tears. How were they going to live? They were going to die. There was no place for them to go. We were such a poor family, they couldn't afford two tickets! It would cost 1 million dollars! I'm not kidding! "Please! Find a way!" "I'm afraid we can't," my dad said in the most cool and collected voice ever. "But, we do have someone who MIGHT pick us up," my dad continued on. "Yes, your aunt is going to try to pick us up." "And if she doesn't, well, uh...." They knew as well. They tried to stay positive, but I saw right through them. It mad me more sad to think that they knew that they were going to die (maybe). Even hearing that my aunt was going to pick them up still had my mind racing with thoughts. What if she DIDN'T? What if she COULDN'T? What if........... my parents were lying? Oh goodness, my heart was still pounding and my hands were practically shaking. I loved my parents so. I couldn't imagine the thought of them leaving.

It became around time where I should be going. I knew I wasn't going to see my parents again. So to calm my self down I made some soup and cuddled with my cat. I knew there was something I was missing, so I looked in my room for it. "Aha!" There it was. My box of all my old toys. I thought there had to be a place to sell stuff there, so my plan was to sacrifice and sell all my old toys so I could get enough money for atleast one of my parents to move in with me. But the difficult thing was, which one? Mom? She made the best food ever. She would always understand my problems. She would always make me happy. Dad? He would always be fun to hang out with. He always said yes to me. He would always be there for me. I guess this just was a thing to think about another time. Even though I don't want to think about it. I listened to my favorite music to pass time and also calm me down. My plan was to leave BY 9. Just so I had enough time before it got really dark. Also I'm more used to driving around at 7 than I am at 9. I looked outside. I couldn't open the doors because of the toxic waste outside. Mom made us dinner, and probably their last dinner. I ate it all, and immediately went back to my room. After I layed down on my pillow, I broke down. Tears came running down my face. I was a mess. I couldn't sleep, couldn't think, couldn't do anything. Just to think that would be my last bite of my mom's cooking broke me. I couldn't take it. But I tried. Tried to take it all in. And when I was ready, I gained the confidence to go and hug my parents goodbye. I gave my cat one final cuddle, gave my dad my final hug, and gave my mom my final hug too. It was time.

I stepped outside wearing a protective suit and a mask to make sure I was safe from the waste. I looked at my house, then looked at my car. This was it. No turning back. I slowly put my key in the car, very hesitantly. Once it was unlocked, I opened the door, stepped inside, and just.. sat there. I had my whole life ahead of me. Scratch that, I have my NEW whole life ahead of me. I decided to think of what I would do in my new home, what people I would meet in my new home, and why I was going to my new home. I knew, but it didn't feel right. I started up the car, and then cried, and then finally started to drive. My heart was racing, everything hurt, my head, my heart, my toes. It was really stressful and painful. I finally got to what I thought was the train station, but ended up being a train itself. My car started getting low on gas. "Oh great, NOW is the time you decide to do that?" I drove to the gas station and realized that I had to get out of the car. "Ughhhhh," I groaned, getting out of the car. I filled my car up with gas and hopped back in. Once I was on the road, I kinda felt calmed. Like I accepted my fate. I finally got to the train station, where I walked up there, and took a seat. I felt really tired. I didn't want to go to sleep though. But I really had to. I fought with myself and kept myself awake. Finally, I started to realize again why I was on here. It's cause my city will go, and more likely than not my parents were going to die. I was worried. I didn't want it to be only me.

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