Setting up the home

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"But first, you will need a house, you should go talk to Tom Nook about that," Isabelle explained. Tom nook? Who in the world is that? Oh well. Fang came running up to me. "So I've been pretty hungry lately and I never knew why. Know I know! Can you please go get me some fruit?" "Of course!" I mean, what else was I going to do? "Thanks!" Fang replied. I noticed all the cherry trees growing so I shook one. 3 delicious cherries came falling down. I picked them all up and took them to Fang. "Thank you!" he said, chomping one down.

I went to main street and I found this place named "Nook's Homes". "I guess that's what she meant!" I said out loud. I ran in the to see Tom Nook himself. I knew exactly that it was going to be him. "Oh! You must have just moved into town!" "You'll need a house of course, yes yes?" "Certainty!" I replied back. "We'll need to pick a spot for your home," he said. And with that we went out of the building.

I picked a good spot for a tent, after repeatedly being told that the spot I picked "wasn't good enough." "So what color roof do you want?" Tom nook asked me, which I responded with blue. He told me to go run around and do stuff for a bit, untill he set up my home.

After talking to some animals that lived in the town, I came back to see my home, which was a tent. "Oh uh, I thought you meant an actual house." "Oh no no no, before you can upgrade to a home, you need to pay a small loan!" Uh oh. I was worried. How was I going to earn money? But then I remembered, I have my old toys. But what about my parents tickets? Is my loan more important than my parents? Oh whatever. Anyways, I looked on mainstreet again to find out what was going on. Nothing. But then I got a great idea! I should go sell some of the cherries around town!

I shook all the cherry trees I could find and sold them at Retail. There were two alpacas there. One pink one, named Reese, the other blue one, I never found out their name since I kept getting yelled at every time I tried to talk to them. I sold all my cherries and got 4,500 bells. One thing that caught my eye was a No. 23 shirt. "Oh, the No. 23 shirt? This item belongs to Fang from here in (your town name). The asking price is 200 bells. Care to give it a loving new home?" I responded with "I'll take it!" "Ok! Thank you for your purchase!" I happily wore the shirt. It was very comfortable, even if it came from a wolf. You'd think it would be all torn up, but no. It was all in one peice. Anyways, enough being mean to Fang. I decided to go take a nap. To where I was SOOO rudely interrupted buy Isabelle coming into MY house! "Oh, hello mayor! Not to be a bother, but would you please set up this lantern for me? It's a gift for you!" She gave me a lantern and so I placed it on the ground. Once she left, I fell asleep on the tent floor. I could feel the grass poking into a whole into the tent. I assumed that many other people used this tent before I did, so it didn't bother me that much. I started to think, that maybe, just maybe that my parents were going to be ok. I mean, I couldnt GUARANTEE that they were, but I started to feel better the more I thought they were going to be ok. I also thought of how great today was going. Who knew my first day as mayor would be like this? Who knew I was going to be mayor at all? I certainly didn't. And then I thought about life in this town. The animals, the cherries, the trees. What would I do here as mayor? As my mind was with these thoughts, I slowly started to trail off to sleep. Zzzzzzzzz

I woke up. "Ughh how long was I asleep?" I said, for some reason expecting an answer. I walked out of my tent to realize it was already night. Oh shoot. I ran to the town hall to see what time it was. "Isabelle!" "Wow, you're in a hurry Y/N." "What time is it?" "Oh! It's 7:18!" 7:18!?!?!? Oh no oh no oh no! "You must have been really tired!" Isabelle said. Well of course I was tired. Why else would I sleep for 5 hours and 28 minutes? "I'm so sorry for missing my mayor work!" Isabelle looked confused as to what I just said. "Mayor work? Today is your first day here! You don't need to work today!" "I don't?" "No! Of course not! Besides, as mayor, you have to do stuff good for our town! Not work work work work all the time!" "Oh." I facepalmed at the realization I ran all the way over here just for that. Oh well. I went to go talk to, who I considered, my best friend. "Hey Fang!" Fang waved back. "What's up Y/N? Have you done all you wanted to do yet? Cha-chomp!" Did. He. Just. Say. Cha. Chomp?

Best. Animal. Ever.
After hearing "cha-chomp", I talked a bunch with him. "So what's your favorite fruit? Other than cherries of course!" he asked me. I told him strawberries, and when he said he never heard of them, I thought he was lying. Apparently they can't grow here. Hm. Anyways, he said it was fun hanging out with me and said I could come over to his place whenever I wanted to.

After sitting on a rock and staring at the moon, I felt being tackled off of there. "AHHHH!" It was Bubbles. "What was that for?" I asked her. No answer. "Who's your new boyfriend?" she teased back. "Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend!" I think she thought me and Fang were dating. "Well with how you act around Fang it's kind of hard to think other wise!" Bubbles, you gained a new rival. "First off, why would a human date an animal, second off, Fang told me he would NEVER want to date anyone!" I yelled at her. "Was that after you asked him out?" Bubbles burst out laughing, and so did Yuka, who was now right next to her. "Dang it! Why can't I just enjoy my time as mayor!" I ran off into my tent where I was hoping for some peace and quiet. I searched through my bag for my phone.

After listening to some music for a bit, and playing a bunch of games, I grew tired once again. I then fell asleep not too shortly after finishing up a playlist of songs I was listening to.

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