Hello... animals?

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"Hey!" I heard a voice call out to me. I thought to myself "oh great what does this guy want? to date me like always?" But when I saw who they were, they weren't a guy at all! "Uh, what's your name?" I asked them.

"My name is Rover!" Rover was a cat with a blue and white face, had red eyes, and had orange ears that were tipped with brown. He was wearing the most casual and normal clothes I've ever seen. "What's your name?" Rover asked. "My name is Y/N". I didn't really want to talk to him, since he was kinda scary. "So where are you headed to?" "Oh umm (town name here)?" "Cool! Is this going to be your first time going there?" "Uh yes." "That's cool dude!" (Depending on your gender, you could either say "Thanks!" or "I'm not a dude!". I won't put either one here, so you can just pick what you want.) I could feel the train starting to slow down a bit. "Well, time to get off!" I hopped of the train into the train station. In just a matter of seconds, I realized Rover wasn't the only animal here. There was a monkey working at the train station. I kind of wanted to talk to them. "Hello! What's your name?" I asked the monkey. "My name is Porter!" "What do you need help with?" "Actually, I'm pretty certain you just got off the train. If you aren't living here, I can't serve you." That made mad. So what if I got off the train? Of course I'm gonna live here! Oh and uh Porter was a typical looking monkey with a suit on. I guess the name Porter really fits him. I just decided to take a nap because I was really tired.

I woke up and immediately realized it was morning. "Oh, shoot!" I raced up out of the building to be greeted by a beautiful and open world. There were 5 animals all standing around. A gray wolf, a blue and white koala, a brown hippo, a brown bird, and a yellow and golden dog. That's when I realized, this town was full of animals. I guess the animals really like to cross here. (sorry for that horrible joke) Just in the blink of an eye, confetti went flying everywhere. "Welcome new mayor!" The animals shouted. "Mayor?" I said very concerned and confused. "Of course you're the mayor!" the yellow dog said. "Come on, let me show you around town!"

After being taken around town, I found out that the dogs name was Isabelle, the blue and white koala name's Yuka, the gray wolfs name is Fang, the hippo's name was Bubbles, and the birds name is Sparro. "Alright everyone! Please gather around jn plaza for this wonderful day!" I was holding a sapling, which was supposed to grow into a tree to represent our town growing. "This day will be remembered!" Isabelle then announced "On (day, month, year) Y/N became mayor!" The whole town was clapping for me. Everyone seemed to love me here. Maybe moving to this town wasn't as bad as I thought.

Sorry this chapter is shorter than the last one. I kinda got bored and decided to just quickly finish it up.

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