Whole Heartedly

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I don't think I am meant to have a light hearted and slow progressing love

My life is just too chaotic for that

My life has never been simple and sweet

It's always been messy and lonely

Even now it's still a tangled mess

But at least it is no longer completely lonely

I used to dream of one day having a powerful and passionate love

One that was all or nothing

One that defied all logic

I guess that's exactly what I got

Just not in the way I had thought

We moved fast and anything but smoothly, with a lot of breaking and questioning if it was right

Somewhere along the line we abandoned those ideas

I think we both realized we do not have control over how quickly we fall or how all of this is going to play out

The universe threw us together in one giant swirl of roadblocks and emotions moving faster than the speed of light

Sometimes I think maybe we are moving too fast but then I think who determines the speed limit

Trick question

There isn't one

Would I even be able to be in this half heartedly?

The answer is no

That's simply not how my life works or rather how my heart works

My world isn't a pit stop or a nice place to hang around for a short while

It's all or nothing

I think the universe sent you to give me what I deserve

Not without consequence and hardships

This kind of love doesn't come without trying

We are not moving too fast

We are not loving too fast

We are loving whole heartedly 

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