The love you deserve

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I thought that if I were to lose myself in love, I would simply find myself within you and heal the wounds with your forgiving hands.

Perhaps I'd lift a bottle to my lips during the times when yours weren't pressed against mine or fill my lungs with smoke when your breath wasn't against my skin.

I thought that if you loved me enough I would feel as if I was.

The words of others picked me apart and made me feel worthless therefore I assumed I needed yours to put me back together.

Now as I look into your eyes while my words pierce my skin, carving away my confidence and self worth I realize I've done the worse thing possible.

I hurt someone you love.

Even when I am my most broken and have trouble loving myself, I can still love you but to love you the way that you deserve, I have to love myself first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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