Part 28 - The Game around the Fire

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My legs slightly trembled as I approached the fire.

Were we really supposed to come?
Was it a good idea to mix these two houses?

Around the fire were all the people I expected, plus four more people from Slytherin who were just standing close to it and talking among themselves.

Without thinking, my eyes landed on Draco's who was faced towards me. The look on his face, once he saw us coming there together, assured me that he wasn't very happy with Blaise's idea.

"You always liked bringing back trash, didn't you Blaise?"

"Hi Malfoy," Harry said back with equally as much hatred in his tone.

"We shouldn't have come here," Ron said in an annoyed tone.

"No, look," Blaise said, looking at Draco, "Stay - we can be civilized for one night. It's not like we have to like each other in order to have some fun."

I sighed, sitting down straight across Draco. After some thinking, Hermione, as well as Harry and Ron, sat down as well.

"So you caught the Erklings today," Nott commented, "How did you manage to do that?"

"It was Kaiye's idea actually," Ron said.

"Of course it was," Pike smiled looking at me.

Ron seemed like he didn't really want to explain the way we managed to get them, but Hermione spoke up instead of him.

"She turned Ron's voice into a baby voice. That's how we lured them in."

"Hey!" Ron frowned as a few chuckles were heard around the fire.

"Let's play something," Pike suggested.

"Like what?" Hermione asked.

"Like truth or dare," he said with a smirk.

I watched Hermione's face, noticing that she didn't like the idea very much, but before anyone could notice it she changed it into a fake smile, "Sure."

I didn't really get why she was agreeing to it, but she definitely didn't need to say it twice before everyone started cheering and getting comfortable in their seats.

"Did anyone bring some alcohol?" Goyle asked, looking around.

"If Snape smelled a drop of alcohol he would turn all of us into babies and leave us to the Erklings!" Ron panicked.

"That's why you don't bring alcohol that smells," a grin grew on Pike's face as he pulled out a small bottle out of his coat, "It's not a lot, but it's almost completely clear black, so two full sips and you're gone."

Shit, I thought to myself, That sounds good...

What the hell was my problem?

My eyes accidentally caught Draco's, who was eyeing me suspiciously, almost like he was trying to figure something out.

"And just to be clear," Pike continued, looking around in order to make sure that Snape wasn't around, "If you can't handle your alcohol and Snape finds you drunk, I'm saying you brought it. I've done enough of a favor for all of us."

"Take half a sip at first," Blaise who was on my right whispered to me, "It's pretty heavy."

I was about to protest and say that I'm not that weak, but then I realized that he probably knew what he was talking about better than I did. I nodded a small nod in order to thank him.

My Deepest Erised (Draco x Kaiye x Harry love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now