Part 17 - The Party (Part 1)

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My legs shook with exhaustion as we exited the greenhouse.
The class was over and I couldn't wait to reach my bed.

I walked on my own, trailing behind the rest of the class as I tried to avoid Harry, Ron and Hermione.

I wouldn't mind hanging out with Hermione or Ron, but I didn't want to explain what I felt and I knew that I would just keep hearing about Harry, whether he was there with us or not.

"Hey Kaiye," Zabini walked slower in order to catch up with me.

"Blaise," I smiled, then yawned.

"Hey, you better sleep it off before the party tonight! You can't afford to be tired," he ruffled my hair.

"I will," I laughed lightly, "When are you guys coming over?"

"Nott, Pike and I are heading off to Hogsmeade in an hour to grab some things, but we'll be back by 9. I guess we can start drinking around 10?"

"Sure," I yawned once again.

"I hope you're not yawning because of Potter," he joked, but I could sense some seriousness behind what he said.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I laughed, but he didn't really play along.

"I'm not, Blaise. I'm just joking. Why would you ask that?"

"Half of the school's drooling over you, Potter included. What do you mean why would I ask that?"

I laughed once again. He couldn't be serious.

"Shut up Blaise, you're such a shit-talker," I fake punched him in his arm.

He pretended to be hurt and held his arm, "You're oblivious!"

"You're delusional!"

He smiled at our little fake argument and I joined him. Then we heard Crabbe call his name.

"Coming!" he answered, ruffled my hair once again and ran to Crabbe.

I walked in silence, only thinking about the nap I was about to have. When I finally reached my bed, I decided against changing as I jumped onto the mattress and fell asleep.


I felt someone shaking me and I immediately opened my eyes.

"Pike, what-"

"I've never seen someone so hard to wake up, Jesus!" he looked amazed.

I sat up, noticing the boys standing in the doorway, waiting to come in.

"Uh, I- what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes, "Come in, come in, sorry!"

"It's 10.30," Pike smiled at how lost I was.

"Wow, shit!" I answered, surprised.

Malfoy looked me up and down as he entered the room, a big bag in his hand.
Nott followed him, closing the door as he walked in. The rest of the guys were already inside, putting cauldrons on top of my desk.
Jinx went straight to Zabini and hissed at the rest of them. He smiled at her, lifting her up to his chest.

"I'll go take a quick shower while you guys set things up if that's okay?"

"Sure, no problem," Pike said and the rest of them agreed.

I grabbed some clothes and a towel out of my closet and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
It only took me around five minutes to shower and change into a big, loose T-shirt and shorts, knowing my room always got really hot during the night.

When I opened the door, I was left speechless. The room was completely dark, only small firefly-like glowing particles filling the air.
My desk was covered in four big cauldrons of dark wizard alcohol. There was some sort of a big lock that stood on my door, Nott standing next to it as he was putting a spell on it.

My Deepest Erised (Draco x Kaiye x Harry love triangle)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt