Part 20 - A Trip to Hogsmeade

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We waited outside as the professors checked if everyone that was supposed to go to Hogsmeade was there with us.
It was quite a lovely morning - the air was chilly, but not cold enough for you not to want to be outside; the birds were chirping, the students were chatting, the Sun was out - shining through the holes in the clouds.

Everyone was very excited to catch a little break from school and studying and spend it outside the school grounds.

"Where's Harry?" I asked Ron and Hermione as we waited.

"He's not coming. And neither is Ginny," Hermione crossed her arms, "They probably have a date planned out or something."

Ron rolled his eyes and I chuckled. As much as I used to flinch at the idea of Harry being with someone else, it all seemed to change a bit. It's not that it didn't hurt - it just didn't hurt as much.

"Okay, everyone's here! Let's go!" professor McGonagall shouted and we finally started walking.

The walk to Hogsmeade was nice. I got to listen to Hermione and Ron's plans for the holidays - they were planning on staying with Ron's family and then visiting Hermione's parents for a few days as well. They told me that Harry was probably going to stay at Ron's too, and that I should come if I didn't have any other plans.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to trouble anyone," I denied politely.

"Kaiye, shut up. You're not any more trouble than Hermione and Harry are," Ron assured me.

"But they are both dating a Weasly! It's a different story for them," I joked, but I was also sort of meant it.

"I'm sure Fred or George would love to meet you," he laughed.

"Fred and George," Hermione corrected him.

"Hahah, thank you, but I'm doing great being single at the moment."

"Single?" Hermione stopped walking, "Didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I did... We broke up not too long ago," I admitted, not too happy having to think about everything that happened.

"You must be joking!" Hermione stood in place, looking at me, but then realized that I wasn't, "Why haven't you told me?! Are you okay Kaiye??"

"I am... it's all still quite unreal," I said my thoughts out loud.

"What happened?" she asked with sympathy in her eyes as we slowly started walking once again.

"Umm..." What am I supposed to tell her? "I just couldn't do it anymore. The whole long-distance thing turned out to be too hard for me."

"Too many hot boys at Hogwarts?" Ron teased.

"No!" I answered far too quickly. I could feel my cheeks getting red, "I just felt more disconnected than ever. And I couldn't get myself to completely enjoy my life here without always thinking about how it was back there."

That was not the complete truth. Some of it was true, but, had I been a good girlfriend, I could've made it work. I just wasn't good enough for that role.

"Maybe it's better off like this... Don't worry it will all be fine," Hermione hugged me and I thanked her for the comforting.

As we arrived in Hogsmeade, I finally felt like I left the small bubble of the Hogwarts school. It wasn't actually that small or bad, but I felt like I got too caught up in it, with time flying by faster than ever.

My Deepest Erised (Draco x Kaiye x Harry love triangle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora