Harry Styles

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The lights are bright, yet everything feels blurry.

People around me screaming, singing and I just close my eyes enjoying this moment.

"I'm selfish, I know," The words come out of my mouth and I open my eyes and let the crowd sing along with me. 

I've never felt more alive.

My lips almost touching the microphone as I let myself  free again, closing my eyes.

I've always wanted to be one of those people who could fly away of whatever held them back, the last few months have been so hard for me to continue. But all of a sudden, it hit me.

I am so fucking lucky to be alive.

I am doing what I want, what I love. I travel, I see the world from a different perspective now. It wasn't easy, that I can tell.  It's still not easy. But that's what love does to you, I guess. It changes you for the better or worse. In my situation, it changed me both ways. I look around me, people screaming my name and all I can do is smile and appreciate how far I've come.

I feel so loved  and appreciated. 

Hearing them singing my songs, the words I wrote down on a piece of paper because I was not able to express them in a better way brings me back to reality. This is happening, I did this.

I can almost feel the tears running down my cheeks so I look down, and once they are gone I give the crowd the most honest smile ever.

My people.

"I'm having a good time." Everyone starts screaming and I run my tongue along my teeth, "How are you? You having a good time?" I scream and I can't help but smile at their reaction.

"Thank you!" I say , and it's so honest, "I only get to do this thanks to every single one of you. You have changed my life and I own it to you." They scream louder and I can feel my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. "I love you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. " I place the microphone on the stand in front of me.

"This next song I wrote is nice, I guess." I laugh and that's when my eyes meet hers, "It's called Sweet Creature." I start singing, my eyes never looking away from her angelic face. 

I am so in love with her, I could literally melt. 

Every word that comes out of my lips, she knows it's for her. She looks at me, her face so soft and calm and all I can think about is my lips on hers.

How did I get so lucky? 

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