Part.2: Love And War

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I the writer, do not own the rights to any pictures or videos used in this book. None of the information stated in this book is real or have any true facts. This book is made up by me, the writer. Please excuse any mistakes or errors, I don't proof read. Hopefully you enjoy my work and join in, I welcome all comments and votes. This book will feature adult language and sexual content. If you are not of age I suggest you don't read this book. Thanks a again. ***please please please vote and comment I promise I have a great sense of humor
                        Yours truly, the writer
September 12th
10:47 p.m

Triggering instant lights and sirens 🚨 chasing her!

" shit! What am I going to do!" She whined deciding to pull over she never meant for this to happen!

Once she pulled over panic took over her mind. She didn't know weather to use her fake ID because on there she was 24, however the car was Registered to 17 year old her and she didn't want them to take her car and only release it to the owner so she decided to go with her real identity.

After sitting there for what seems like forever, the cop finally approached her window and she let it down.

Officer Scott- hello ma'am, do you know why we pulled you over tonight?
Kay- umm y-yeah ( she said nervously)
Officer Scott- is there anyone else in the vehicle with you?
Kay- N-No sir ( tear slipping out of her eye)
Officer Scott- Ma'am would you mind letting down the passenger side window for my partner officer Mathew over there ( he signaled to the other officer Kay hadn't even noticed him)
Kay- ummm sure ( she complied)
Officer Mathew- ( instantly shining his flashlight looking around the inside of her car)
Kay- w-what's going on?
Officer Scott- ma'am do you have license and registration for the vehicle?
Kay- y-yes i-I do
Officer Scott- May I see it so I can run it through our data base?

reaching over she grabbed her wallet taking out the ID card then reached in the glove compartment for her registration and insurance.

Handing it all to him. Officer Scott cross checked the ID and with Karin's face making triple sure that the person in front of him was indeed the same person on the ID card.

"Karin Jinsui?"  he asked

" yes, that's me"  she sassed, wondering why this process was going by so slow.

" how old are you Ms. Jinsui?" He asked

" 17, why?"  She sassed

" why so far away from home, this is a long way from California" he questioned

"visiting a friend" she answered

" who this friend" he asked

" what?" She asked, she's really confused now

" do your parents know you're here" he questioned her but this time she didn't reply.

She felt weird in her gut like something was off. Finally returning offering Mathew whispered something to officer Scott.

Officer Scott-Ms Jinsui, please step out of the car
Kay-w-wait, what?!" 
Officer Mathew- step out of the car now!
Kay- I-I don't understand ( she began to cry)
Officer Mathew- turn around and put your hands behind your back!
Kay- why? What am I being arrested for ( she cried just as another cop car arrived but this was the chief car.)
Officer Mathew- stand here! Don't move ( he instructed, as he and Scott stepped away to talk to the chief)

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