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I the writer, do not own the rights to any pictures or videos used in this book. None of the information stated in this book is real or have any true facts. This book is made up by me, the writer. Please excuse any mistakes or errors, I don't proof read. Hopefully you enjoy my work and join in, I welcome all comments and votes. This book will feature adult language and sexual content. If you are not of age I suggest you don't read this book. Thanks a again. ***please please please vote and comment I promise I have a great sense of humor
                        Yours truly, the writer
December 7th

"hey East this is the tenth time I've called you today! Pick up the fucking phone!" she yelled in tears

Exhaling Kay was tired she had been up since 5:15 this morning for her 7:52 am flight she landed around 11:40 am and has been reaching out to East every since.

It was now 9:56 . She had Ubered every place she could think of that he'd be. First his house, than the studio, Harlem and back to the studio again.

When they were together those were the only places other than touring he had talked about. There was one place but she didn't quite know where it was.

" Fuck it! Umma send him a text message"

- since you wanna be childish and ignore me I'll just meet you at your house. Hopefully you make it there before I start breaking up all your shit BITCH!

Literally 2 seconds later - incoming call from East

"ohh so now you know how to pick up the phone?"

"Yo Karin st-

"KARIN??? Oh we on first names? Okay David"

"on ma daughter yo-

"which one?" She asked

"the only one" he shot back

sending Dave the ultrasound pic she told him to check the text she'd just sent

"what the fuck is this?" He asked in complete shock

"I'm pretty sure you know what it is, I came to let you know. Yet you behave like this? I definitely picked the wrong nigg-

"where you at?" He asked interrupting her little rant

"don't worry about it Bitch ! You wasn't worried before" she said hanging up

Incoming call from East

Now that' Kay had accomplished what she had came to do, she could finally get settled in her hotel and get some rest.

Honestly she was over everything and everybody. Once she Checked in she went straight upstairs to her room and ran herself a bubble bath.

Sinking into the tub she turned on some Maxwell and tried to relax. Leaning back closing her eyes as she exhaled to release some of the stress but that moment was short lived

Incoming call from East

East- I see you back on that childish shit!
Kay- no I was trying to be adult about the situation and talk to you but that's not how you wanted to handle things (she snapped) look I'm in the middle of something catch me tomorrow ( she said hanging up)

"This gurl think I'm playing with her" east complained to his cuz slim

"what she do now" slim chuckled

"nigga you don't even know who I'm talking about"

"well nigga who?" Slim asked

"some lil chick I used to fuck with" he said ashing his blunt not wanting to go too much into details

Product Of Her Environment Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang