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Two weeks later
January 8th

" bitch I needa teach yo ass how to do a basic set for the next time a nigga kidnap yo ass. I can tell yo hands missed me, ling nem didn't know what the fuck they was doing over there in sing sing" BJ joked

" nigga shut up, can't take your ass serious for nothing" Kayla laughed at Bj stupid ass

we were at my new condo having a girls night because Dave came over being an ass and took baby h so Kayla invited Bj over and once he seen my nails he went home and got his nail kit and the whole time he's been doing my nails he's been cutting up

" alright alright one mo" he laughed not able to get it out " so whatchu gone do with the money the dead beat left you" he asked

"You not funny" I said snatching my hand away from him

" whattt it's just a question, i know you not gone keep this small ass condo to raise two kids in you might as well give it to me" he suggested making me roll my eyes at him

"Stop calling king a dead beat! He's not a deadbeat father, he's dead there's a difference" I snapped I told Kayla not to tell anyone about the baby being Dave's and she didn't

A few days ago Kings parents reached out to me wanting to meet, they wasn't clear on what happened in Singapore nor did they know king had kidnapped me and Dave cousin killed their son.

all they knew was that king had told them I was pregnant and he wanted them to take care of me and my kids if anything ever happened to him.

During our meeting I told them that the baby was David's I couldn't lie to them and let them believe my baby was their grandchild when it wasn't. They had just lost their son I couldn't deceive them like that.

They said that king had a will and that he left me 5 million dollars and both of my kids 2 million a piece and paid for their college, he'd also arranged for us to have a monthly allowance of 20 grand on the 10th of every month.

After giving me access to the accounts and transferring the accounts into my name we said our goodbyes and they left we all went out separate ways. I should have known sharing that info with Bj would back fire the nigga gone ask to borrow three million until the end of life. He was truly a character

" girl turn some music on you got it all depressing in here, got us watching the golden girls and shit"  Bj complained

" boi shut up, this ain't no golden girls. This Sistas" I corrected going to the music channels

" bitch close enough ain't nothing but some hoes lonely as fuck gossiping"  he mumbled

" don't do that, Bitch talking bout hoes lonely and gossiping when yo ass forever watching love and hiphop" I laughed

" shidd I'm just watching yo soon to be life with Dave" he snickered

" fuck you" I squealed Hitting him

" I'll take it at least I got you laughing again, lately you been having a bitch worried. I been scared I'ma wake up and find out on the news  you done killed yourself" he said trying to be serious but fail

" boi I'm not doing that shit, if the devil want me he gone have to come get me. I love God and Harlem too much to do some dumb shit like kill myself" I said fanning him off

" good, girl we should go out tonight. Tj throwing his annual fuck nigga free party, we should go kay and Kay" he said referring to me and Kayla

" umm no! She's pregnant" Kayla said shutting down his idea

" and? She fuck nigga free too" he countered

" it would be fun" I smiled I hadn't been out for real since my birthday and I've been out before pregnant my belly was barely noticeable

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