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I woke up to the feeling of someone kissing my neck. I laughed. He laid his head on top of mine as he put his hand on my stomach.

Matt: That was fun.
Liz: Yeah it was.
Matt: I have to work today. Maybe stop by later?
Liz: Oh I will.

I said turning over and sitting on top of him. He put his hands on my hips. I leaned down and kissed him. He rolled us over and ended up on top of me.

Matt: I don't have to go to work until 8.

He looked at me. He kissed me again. We did the dirty then he got in the shower. I called Kim.

Kim: Hey where the hell are you?
Liz: At a really hot firefighters house.
Kim: Finally opening up I see? Well send me the address I'll bring you clothes and your uniform.
Liz: Great. Thanks.

She hung up. I sent her the address. Matt came out.

Matt: I have to run. Lock up when you leave?
Liz: I will.

He kissed me and left. I made sure the doors were locked and then got in the car.

Kim: Did you have fun?
Liz: Oh hell yeah.
Kim: So who was it?
Liz: Matt Casey.
Kim: Huh. I'll have to meet him.

I changed my clothes as we pulled up to the district. We walked in and changed. Then reported to Platt. We got our radios and then the keys. We did our rounds.

Main: 2113 do you have a copy.
Kim: Go for 2113
Main: Your needed at firehouse 51. Sending you details now.
Kim: Copy that.

I looked at the computer.

Man suspected of starting a fire to kill his son.

Then there was a video. I sent to video to my phone and watched it.

Liz: That guys a ass.
Kim: I bet.

She pulled in. We walked in. We heard fire trucks arriving. I completely forgot that Matt worked here.

Liz: Chief Boden. Pleasure to meet you.
Boden: Yes you to.

We explained to him about the email we'd gotten then showed him the video.

Boden: If you'll excuse me I'll go get my guys.

We nodded and he walked out. Two minutes later he came back with two guys. Hermann and Matt.

Matt: Liz?
Liz: Oh hey Matt.

I hugged him.

Matt: Your a cop?
Liz: Yeah sorry I probably should've told ya
Matt: It's fine.

We explained to them what we suspected.

Hermann: This is horrible.

We nodded. We explained a bit more and then left. We got into the squad.

Main: Reports of shots fired and a woman screaming. 7083 Miller lane.

I grabbed the radio.

Liz: 2113 responding were two blocks out.

Kim tried starting the car.

Kim: It's not starting.
Liz: Let's run.

We got out and ran to the house. We went in holding our guns up. There was someone on the ground. Then there was a guy that ran out the back door. I chased him.

Liz: Police stop!

I yelled. He kept running he ran across the road I ran after him and almost got hit by a firetruck. I held my hand out while running sideways. I noticed a number 81 on it and kept running. I chased him. Finally I tackled him to the ground and cuffed him. I patted him down then I pulled him up and we started to walk back. We got to the road where the truck was.

Gabby: Are you ok?
Liz: Yeah.
Gabby: Good.

The guy tried to get away. I yanked him back and pinned him to the ground.

Otis: Holy-
Mouch: Trudy tells me a lot about you.
Liz: The bad stuff?
Mouch: no the badass stuff.
Cruz: How long have you been a cop?
Liz: Three and a half years.
Cruz: Then how are you so good at this stuff?
Liz: Because I was a army ranger in Afghanistan for 8 years?
Matt: 8 years? Like 8 years straight or separated?
Liz: Straight.
Hermann: That had to be rough.

I nodded as I put my hand on my radio.

Liz: Hey Kim what's your eta?
Kim: Just pulling up now.

I saw the squad. I pulled him to his feet. Just as Kim was starting to walk over he kicked me in the gut then Kim in the face. I yanked his cuffs kicked the back of his knees and threw him over my shoulder. Once he hit the ground I pinned him down.

Liz: 2113 to main requesting backup for relief of offender.
Main: Backup on the way.

I had him pinned down, meanwhile I looked at Kim.

Liz: You ok?
Kim: Yeah.

She spit out blood. Adam and Kevin pulled up. Adam went to Kim.

Adam: What the hell happened.
Liz: Abuse to two officers. He's crazy.
Adam: We can knock him out.

I looked at Matt.

Liz: Cam you call your ambo up here?
Matt: Yeah.

We waited for the ambo. They knocked him out and then Adam and Kevin took him away.

2113 do you have a copy

Kim: Go for 2113
Main: You've been detailed to 51. Details sent.
Kim: Copy that.

We got in the squad as 81 drove off.

Death threat to Kelly Severide

We drove to 51 and parked. We went inside.

Severide: Sorry to bother you guys.
Kim: Your not a bother.

We sat there till the end of shift. Then returned to the district as the new squad arrived. We put up our radios and then clocked out. I went and put this on,

Then Kim and I went out for dinner

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Then Kim and I went out for dinner. After dinner we went to the apartment. Then my phone was ringing. It was Matt. I answered.

Matt: Hey Liz.
Liz: Hey Matt.
Matt: I can't seem to stop thinking about you. Last night was amazing.
Liz: Yeah your right it was.
Matt: I know it's early but we have a future together and I can feel it. Will you be my girlfriend?
Liz: Yeah. Hell yeah.

He laughed.

Matt: We got a call I have to go I'll call you later.
Liz: Ok!

He hung up. We watched tv until about 10 them went to bed.

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