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I woke up. I looked around and realized I was somewhere that I did not recognize. I sat up.

Antonio: Morning

I jumped.

Liz: How'd I end up here?
Antonio: You fell asleep on my shoulder so I brought you to my house. We didn't have a extra bed so I put you in mine and I slept on the couch.
Liz: I'm sorry. You should've woke me up.
Antonio: It's fine.

He tossed me a bag.

Antonio: Kim dropped it off. You can shower in my bathroom. There's a towel on the counter for you.
Liz: Thanks.

I went and took a shower. I put this on,

Then did my makeup and brushed my hair

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Then did my makeup and brushed my hair. I walked out. I put all of my stuff into my bag. Then went out.

Eva: Morning.
Liz: Morning.

Antonio was nowhere in sight.

Eva: are you and my dad dating?
Liz: Oh no
Eva: Last night when he carried you in Diego and I were confused.
Liz: I didn't mean to fall asleep.
Eva: I like you.
Liz: I like you to.

Antonio walked in.

Antonio: Are you ready for school?
Eva: Yeah

She groaned.

Antonio: Diego time to go.

Diego came in dragging his bag.

Antonio: Pick it up.

He picked up the bag. They walked out.

Antonio: Come on.

I followed him to his car. I sat in the front seat. He took the kids to school and then we went to work.

Antonio: Where you going

I stopped and remembered.

Liz: Right. I forgot.

He laughed at me.

Antonio: That's alright.

We went in. I put my gun and badge on and then walked into Voights office.

Voight: Good morning.
Liz: Morning.
Voight: Your partners with Antonio.
Liz: Ok.

I nodded. Then I walked out. Kim texted me.

Kim: Meet at the back.

I went down. She handed me a donut. I ate it.

Kim: Sleepover?
Liz: No?
Kim: Long night huh.
Liz: I guess.

We talked as I finished eating the donut then we went in. She sat down. I did to and then I clocked in. Then my phone was ringing. I answered it.

Liz: Hello?

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