A Bloody Brawl

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  Storm's eyes enlarged even more than before as he had feared for the worst. Especially seeing that all the colored chips and
  cards were stacked aside sloppily. Storm's brows curved upward, ears folding back on his head as he'd take a shy glance up at his
  temporary partner. "Tony..." he said in a quiet tone of voice with a glint of fear in his eyes. The big brute had merely just ignored
  the blatantly upset hero as he was far too enraged to even speak really. His dirtied teeth were all clenched together, brows at a full
  furrow with a wrinkle of his fur right in between his crystal hues. His good left eye had a brim of a glowing seafoam green
  sort of magic that would even spark every now and then as it slowly spread further into his hue. Storm found this to be a
  little...too familiar to some books he had read about the previous kings. Causing him to take a submissive step back for his own
  safety and good while Tony's bubbling rage had completely overtaken him. "HEY!!!!" he shouted loudly, causing Storm and
  the criminals to flinch and tense up with bulging eyes and flattened ears. His booming and threatening voice echoed slightly
  across the building, along with making them feel a bit of a rumble under them in the ground like a microscopic earthquake.
  The herd of deers quickly looked over at the somewhat tall brute, seeing that he was nearly as angry as he could be and practically
  trembled with an undying rage. "YEAH I'M TAWLKIN'A YOU, YA MOTHAFUCKAHS!!!!" he shouted loudly yet again, not as loud as
  his previous outburst though. Storm was honestly utterly horrified as he didn't really know who's side Tony was really on
  as he'd back up even more and cower down in fear and submission. However, as the herd of criminals heard this clearly
  angry tone, they'd all wear angry expressions as well. "Wreally now, Tone? Why's 'd-" "DON'T FUCKIN' CAWLL ME 'DAT
  Y'BOOTLEG LOOKIN' DONKEY!!!!!!!" he'd aggressively stomp over to their table as Derrick and his pals looked utterly offended.
  Storm awkwardly stood there in the background, looking terrified for his life as he'd silently pray to the Gods thar he'd
  make it out alive. And there was no way in Dementia he would even try and break up a fight like that. "Well don't cawll me a
  donkey and get on y'own level, wise guy!" Derrick's tone raised a little with a tighten of his face as he'd stare up at Tony's eyes. The
  only good one was encased with a green, glowing and sparking magic that had darker, cartoony shamrocks floating in them while
  the other swollen one had remained the same.

"Don't tawlk t'me about gettin' on my own level, punk" he'd squint
  his eyes a bit before poking a claw on Derrick's chest and manipulating the zebra's clothing with it's sharp point. The 'brave'
  zebra hadn't taken his enchanting hues off of Tony's for a moment. Most likely to assert some sort of dominance. "'Aitte, I
  won't. Just tell me what d'fuck is y'problem an' get on wif' y'day, pal" his lip twisted up in a bit of a knot. And oh boy did Tony look
  pissed. It was to the point where cartoony veins had appeared
and pulsed with the drawing back of his lips to reveal his damaged gums. "My problem?!" he blinked twice with an utterly
  outraged tone to his voice as Storm was doused in his own sweat.
"MY PROBLEM?!?!?!?!" suddenly, he'd tightly grab Derrick's
  shirt collar and hoist him right up off his chair with ease. The zebra's eyes had widened for a moment before he'd angrily stare
  at Tony yet again, his friends merely just watched though. Storm was frantically trying to think of what to do in his head. "MY
  'PROBLEM' IS WHAT YOU AN' Y'LACKIES DID T'ME A FEW DAYS AGO YA FUCKIN' PU-" "hey, hey." He'd reluctantly place his paw on
  Tony's chest nervously, causing Tony to shut right up and glare down at Storm in disgust as his upper lip drawn back. The others
  merely stared down at Storm in confusion and annoyance. "Hooow about we stop fighting please and get a clue of where my
  very important collar went?" he'd try so hard to sound enthusiastic or like he wasn't scared at all. But oh boy did he fail
  badly: he'd have a quiver in his voice, he ended his question off with an extremely nervous grin, his eyes were all wide and
  enlarged and sweat was literally flying off him cartoonishly. The herd of friends all looked at one another and stayed suspiciously
  quiet for a few moments. However, Tony had continued to angrily glare down at Storm like he had burnt his house down.
  "BACK OFF!" he'd shouted with a swift warning snap of his jaws and a loud snarl. "AH!-" Storm shrieked out of fear and jumped
  back in a flinch, thankfully this made him dodge the attack and merely just land on his back with a thud. Honestly, he was
  thankful that he didn't get his face torn off, but he was also a lot more scared as he'd stare up at the big brute. However, the others
  literally ignored them and couldn't care less of what just happened. "Right, right...y'collah" Derrick stated with a
  questionably snooty tone to his voice. Storm stared up at Derrick with the same expression while Tony had been glaring at the
  zebra yet again. "I sold 'dat t'some guy who was playin' me for it" he answered snarkily "if y'couldn't tell awlready anyway..." he'd
  glance down at the pile of twinkly gold and silver on the table with a cocky grin.

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