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  "Yeah" he answered in a much softer tone as he'd slowly turn and angle his cranium back downwards guiltily. "I know" he added
  solemnly for clarification, practically speaking in a near whisper which had brought out a rougher and grittier tone and made him
  sound rather sad. Which he probably was judging by how he was staring down at his large, relaxed mits with a melancholic
  sadness radiating off him, along with being in his expression. But that was just a little hard to tell since his ear had flopped down a
  bit. Meanwhile though, Storm had shocked, widened eyes and a slightly agape jaw that was still in the formation of a frown.
  Truthfully, Storm had wanted to kneel down before the king and thank him profusely while most likely crying. But upon further
  inspection of the brute, he'd instantly decide on keeping these gratefully relieved emotions to himself and feel much more
  concerned for him seeing all the lethargy and sorrow in the male's still body language. '...Is he okay?' was all he could really
  think to himself amidst the cold silence that had slowly distanced them farther and farther apart. '...No...' he paused 'of course he's
  not okay...' he'd furrow his brows lightly before shifting his pupils to the side bitterly as he had felt more resentfulness
  towards  Buster and Sparky. Especially in this moment of a depressing, bleak silence where he was able to stop and think in a
  rather awkward place. However, out the corner of his eye, he'd noticed a small, sluggish movement from Tony. Quickly causing
  his pupils to dart up at him and see that the sire now had his head turned toward Storm a little while his body had loosened up
  a bit now that the music had changed. His expression had remained the same though.

  Storm merely blinked twice, giving Tony his full attention and allowing the brute to speak and break the silence after a few more
  awkward moments. "...Y'know 'dat question y'had f'me...?" he asked softly with a remorseful tone and a small shift of his pupil
  that saw Storm already trying to think of an answer. "D'one about d'music?" he clarified in a more quiet and gravelly tone,
  causing Storm to feel rather reluctant to answer because he didn't want to hurt Tony's feelings...somehow. But since he thought
  it'd be worse to just flat out ignore him, he'd simply just give a strained little nod and mutter a small "yeah." At first, Tony would
  merely pause and quietly stare down at Storm solemnly as he'd savor the staticy, nostalgic background music that had helped him
  think more clearly in the process. This was until he had parted half his lips slightly yet again and spoke quietly; "well..." He'd
  pause yet again, collecting all his thoughts together before sluggishly glancing over at his old radio and giving it a longing
  stare. "...It's 'cause..I used 'ta listen t'da Christmas channel wif' my brotha' every mornin'..." He said slowly in a soft voice that had
  spaced out his words with brief pauses every now and then. As Storm had heard the answer to the long awaited question, he'd
  honestly have some regret for even asking it in the first place. Just hearing the sorrowful hurt in his rough voice made him want
  to give Tony a big hug and profusely apologize to him for the pain that his family had caused the brute. However, he had
  known all too well that doing this would simply just be a band-aid over a gunshot wound. So all he'd really respond with
  was a sheepish, shaky little "oh..." under his breath. "Yeah..." he replied drowsily "we had a lotta good memories t'getha" he added
  quietly, nearly in a whisper as he'd lugubriously press the underside of his paw up against the side of his chubby face and
  somberly look up at the wooded ceiling, wistfully reminiscing on the good times with his older brother that he knew he'd never get
  back no matter how much he had prayed and wished. "...It's just too bad it awll had t'end when I was just gettin' bettah'..." he
  whispered indignantly before looking down over the counter as he had found it pointless to just keep staring up at nothing but a
  false hope while the music changed to the next track right after and continued to switch.

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