In my way.

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  "-HAHAHAHAH!!!!!" he'd end his laughter from before loudly as blue, starry and clover-y smoke slowly dissipated from the two.
  Revealing that Storm and Tony were back at square one where they had first even encountered one another. Even in the same old
  barstools. "MAN!!!!" Tony exclaimed exuberantly, giving an evil, toothy grin at the end with furrowed brows. This had reminded
  Storm of a certain someone all too much...but he wouldn't comment on it as he'd nervously watch Tony relax a second later,
  cupping the side of his fluffy face in his paw and staring forward at the alcohol rack. "'Dat sure was somethin'" he stated in a more
  casual tone with a bored and a rather rude smack of his lips and slightly sleepy eyes. Storm blinked twice, feeling a whole array of
  confusing emotions all at once, but he was mainly worried for his collar...and his safety. However, before he could even speak
  up about his pressing issues again: "anyways, get me two beeahs, Joe." He ordered, holding up a claw with a little smirk as he'd
  stare at the brown stallion over the counter dressed as the usual bartender while he was simply just minding his own business
  and drying a mug with his dark magic. Joe drifted his pupils towards the brute with an unamused glare. "...Sure" he stated
  before setting down the large glass mug in front of Tony with a small thud. "Thanks, bucko" he praised, giving a grin out the side
  of his mouth and a 'finger gun' towards the steed. The equine blinked twice, giving a snort out his nostrils before turning away
  and trotting off while his hairy black tail flickered and whipped behind him. "An' now we wait" he stated with a rather wistful tone
  to his voice while Storm sheepishly glanced to the side, then back up at Tony. "Yeah...but uh...can I ask you something important,
  Tony?" he asked with a rather shy voice. But that was probably because he was pretty nervous at the moment. Tony glanced over
  at Storm, raising one floppy ear which revealed a bit of ink on the skin underneath. "Sure kid go ahead, I'll probably make fun'a
  you 'dough" he said jokingly, but honestly Storm was starting to get annoyed that he wasn't taking the hint. I mean, they literally
  got into this mess because of Storm's collar. 'Seriously???' he thought to himself. "Well i'm pretty sure you-" suddenly, and not
  surprisingly to Storm at this point, someone just had to interrupt him. And this someone was Joe as he'd clunk down a large, thick
  glass of a foamy, yellow beer onto the counter in front of Tony with a thud, causing some of the foam and liquids to splash out
  and stain the old wood a bit.

Tony's eyes widened as his attention was completely caught on his
  one of two beers. Seeing the small drops of condensation slowly dripping down the thick glass like rain on a window while the
  bubbles in the yellow liquid drifted upward and some would pop. And the foam oozing out on the top was all puffed up like
  fluffy clouds while some of the bubbles would pop on top and the foam would slowly drip down the side. To him, this looked
  absolutely glorious and delicious, but to Storm...honestly he wasn't even focused on the beer really. He was just extremely
  annoyed and fed up with animals interrupting him at the most inconvenient times. Then, Tony's second glass was placed beside
  the other and made the brute grin with small yellow stars in his pupils. The star in his right eye was a lot smaller though.
  However, Storm didn't noticed this and instead cleared his throat sternly with an annoyed expression. Tony blinked twice, instantly
  erasing the joy in his eyes as he'd angrily look down at Storm and ignore everyone else around him basically. "What?!" he asked
  with an extra grit and growl in his voice, clearly showing Storm that he was getting impatient...already. "My collar. Where is it?!"
  he questioned sternly to give Tony his own medicine and show that he was getting impatient too. However, the sire hadn't taken
  this to heart as he had actually found it amusing that he was so stupid that he had already forgotten about the whole collar
  debacle. His thoughts. Not mine. "Oh right, right. Almost f'got. Had t'get outta 'dere in a flash y'know?" he joked with a playful
  smirk. Hearing this and seeing the friendly demeanor made Storm more relaxed and calm knowing his collar was not only
  okay, but was finally going to be returned to it's rightful owner after all of this goose chasing and humiliation. "Sure..." he said,
  giving Tony his best half smile of appreciation he ever could while watching the chunky lab rummage through his old vest in
  an excited anticipation. Then, his wish had come true and Tony had successfully taken out Storm's collar with his large paw
  decorated with rings and a fancy brass knuckle. Storm couldn't help but beam, putting his heart and soul into the big smile on his
  snout as his tail began to wag behind him joyfully. It felt like all his problems were going to be solved at last! And he couldn't ever
  put into words at how overjoyed he had felt... .

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