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~Don't vaguely describe a character! Go crazy with it! Describe the texture of their hair, describe their skin tone, describe their hair length, describe anything you want! Just don't make it vague. The only time a character should be described vaguely is if they're irrelevant to the plot, they are exiting the story quickly, or if you plan on killing them off quickly. 

~Don't be afraid to make a few chapters about your character's past. More times than what not, the past is important to the plot of a story. Make sure if you don't tell where the character came from in the beginning, you do it down the road before the past becomes relevant.

~When describing the past, make sure it's not a paragraph, make it detailed and and well organized. You don't want the readers to get confused. Now, if the backstory isn't as relevant to the plot, then there's an exception. You don't really have to make it long, but it should still be detailed!

~Introduce the character's personality! Introducing the character as a dull person isn't exactly introducing their personality. Personality can sometimes come from the past or past events. Explain those events and why they affected the character that way. 

~Make sure you're satisfied with the character you've built before you put it in the story. Trust me, it saves a lot of work and brainpower! I mean look at Aria Torres! At the beginning I was going to make some sci-fi thing out of it! Luckily it was only the begging and most people forgot I guess... Off topic! Anyways, don't try to rewrite your character in the middle of it, it kind of confuses the story and confuses the readers. 

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