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~I mainly get my inspiration from music! Music just somehow helps paint a picture in my head of how I want a story to pan out!

~Make sure the music you use doesn't distract you too much though. You don't want to start singing and dancing instead of writing if you're trying to focus. 

~Using movies are also great for inspiration! Now, this doesn't mean plagiarize. You can use movies for inspiration for the creation of characters and plots, but they must be different from the movie. 

~I find it helpful to use past experiences that you've had as well. If you can build off of that experience, it also makes for a good read!

~You should also use imagery for inspiration! Using imagery can help you, the writer, imagine what your characters look like, and when you can imagine your characters, I find it easier to describe them as well, and when you can describe them well, your readers can better understand what the characters look like. 

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