Taylor's Day

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Jay's POV
I was jolted awake from a nightmare by Taylor. Tears were streaming down my face and Taylor looked at me with concern. "Hey, it's alright" Taylor asked as he wiped my tears away. I looked away, "I'm okay. I'm sorry I woke you." I said as I looked at the clock. It was in the early hours of the morning. Taylor took my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes, "Don't tell me you're okay, because I know you're lying. I'm here ,and I won't let anything happen to you." He said as he kissed my forehead. He pulled me close to him and turned off the light again. I sighed and cuddled close to him.
I'm not sure at what time I had managed to fall back asleep last night, but when I woke up again Taylor was still beside me. "That's right, he didn't have to work today..." I thought happily as I cuddled closer to him. His arms wrapped around me and he smiled, "I was awaiting your awakening princess." He said. I smiled, "Well I'm awake." I said groggily. Then I heard yelling from in the living room. I jumped up and Taylor laughed slightly, "Alexander and Dwayne are in the living room playing video games. So I think we should go out, and not get in their way." He said and smiled as he gently caressed my head. A slight smile formed on my face as a blush arose to my cheeks.
After breakfast and getting dressed, Taylor and I left the house. We drove around town while talking and laughing. After 2 hours of random driving Taylor finally turned into a parking lot for a park. It wasn't crowded so we started acting like kids. "First one to the swings wins!" I yelled as I took running. Taylor ran past me and was laughing as he touched the swings right before I did. I smiled and we sat down and swung for a while. We were having a good time, and then there was another couple who joined us soon. They didn't swing or anything, they set out a picnic. I watched closely at the romantic set up, then the man proposed to the woman. The girl screamed and hugged the man tightly. I sighed and Taylor looked at me with concern, "What is it?" He asked. I looked over at him and smiled, "Nothing, just thinking about pointless stuff." I replied. Then after a moment of awkward silence ," You were watching that couple, and the man proposed, and that made you slightly sad didn't it?" Taylor asked. I shook my head and smiled, "No that's not it." I lied. Taylor looked into my eyes, "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and we continued swinging.
After swinging at the park we went out for lunch, then went for a walk, where we once again saw a confession of love. I smiled up at Taylor as we passed a new couple. The guy had taken the girl's hand and confessed his love for her in front of everyone. Soon we got back into the car and headed home. As we pulled into the drive was Taylor once again turned to me, "Are you alright? Because for the whole car ride here you did nothing but stare out the window." He said and I looked over at him. "I'm fine, promise." I replied and got out of the car. As I entered the house Alexander and Dwayne were on the couch making out. I past through the living room quickly and went into my room. I locked the door and slid down to the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest, wrapped my arms around my legs, and rested my head on my knees. I sighed as I continuously ran over the things that had happened today. Then a knock at the door brought me back to my senses, "Jay, I'm going over to Dwayne's tonight, okay." Alexander stated from the other side of the door. "Alright, have fun" I replied. I could hear them out there telling Taylor goodbye and then the door shut and it was just Taylor and I in the house. After a moment Taylor had come to the door, "Jay? Can I come in?" He asked. I unlocked the door and smiled at him. "It's your room as well right?" I asked him. Taylor smiled but I could tell he knew something was up. Then with a swift movement Taylor shut the door and pushed me down onto the bed. I gasped at the sudden movement. Taylor pinned me down to the bed, "I'm not going to let you go until you tell me what's wrong, and don't tell me it's nothing and that you're fine because I know you're lying." He stated. I shifted under him, "I-I told you already." I started but Taylor spoke before I could finish. "Don't tell me you're fine." He said. I stayed quiet and he sighed. As he was about to move away from me, my hands acted on their own and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved back to hover over me once again and then he kissed me. Our kisses became more passionate, and our warm breaths intertwined with each other. Soon he pulled away and gently laid kissed down my chin and onto my neck. Small moans escaped my lips as he kissed my neck. I could hear my heart beat quickening every time we touched. We removed our clothing and he kissed my lips, this time it was deeper, more passionate than the first. Soon we had become one, and after a while we both climaxed and laid next to each other on the bed.
We were breathing heavily, and I could still hear my heart pounding in my chest. Taylor took my hand in his, kissed my forehead and pulled me close. "Maybe I won't tell you things more often" I whispered. Taylor laughed, "well then I guess I'll just have to learn how to punish you." He replied. My face started to heat up at his words, soon I fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

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