Part 14

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(Aubrey's POV)

Nash scooted in and squishes me close to the wall "Hey! Your squishes me up against the wall," I laughed "Yeah get use to it because tonight I'll be banging you up against the wall," he said seductively and smirked. I rolled my eyes and put my head on his shoulder and he placed his hand on my upper thigh, my head shot up instantly "Nash!" I snapped and his smirk grew wider, I rolled my eyes again and ignored it. Then came Dylan with our drinks "Hey! Sorry I took so long, there was a big line," Dylan said and placed his and my drink down. "That's not the only thing that's big," Nash whispered in my ear and I shot him a warning look to stop, "Soo. Dylan this is Nash and Nash this is Dylan! Dylan's my best friend since I was 3 and Nash, is my boyfrienddd," I said speaking to the both of them, they both smiled and did their little handshake thing. "Sup dude, heard a lot about you. How's it going?" Dylan spoke kindly, "Ay, nothing much, I'm alright dude, I'm alright, how about you?" Nash asked. "Im good, I'm actually beyond excited, Aubrey and I are gonna be roommates by Saturday! Tomorrow I'm moving my stuff in!" He spoke happily, Nash's face went shocked and then jealous in a madder of seconds "Oh really?! Hmm. That'a cool," Nash said. Yup, Nash is jealous. I can tell because whenever he doesn't care or gets sad/mad he will say that's cool a lot. Like watch he'll say the word 'cool' again. "So you have a job? Or you go to school?" Dylan carried on and Nash replied "Nah I do school online. But um....its cool," he replied lazily, and now annoyed. See, told ya he would say it again. It got very quiet after that and Dylan knew Nash was mad but didn't understand why, I wouldn't blame him, Dylan didn't do anything. I just listened to the other conversations near us at other tables and casually sipped on my latte until Dylan looked at me and winked. I giggled quietly and winked back, he then winked again but this time with both eyes (like squeezes close both eyes) and I did the same and we bursted out laughing. It was an inside joke of ours since freshmen year. "Haha what's so funny?" Nash said in a serious tone and Dylan and I quit laughing and I looked at him from across the table. "Uhm. Inside joke," Dylan said as nicely as possible, and Nash just stared him down so I had to do something, "Umm okay so Nash, you wanna go get yourself a drink and grab me a water babe? Please," I said and placed my hand on his shoulder, he hesitated for a minute or two then looked into my eyes and got up to get a drink. "Alright," he sighed and left the table with Dylan and I, alone. As soon as he was about 2 feet away, I blended across the table and Dylan did the same "What's his problem?" He whispered, "I promise, he's never this annoyed. He's just jealous that your moving in with me," I whispered back. "Why?" Dylan said, "Because your my best friend, and your a guy. He just thinks we have some kind of sexual tension or lovey tension between us and he gets jealous easy. So he's not very comfortable we a new guy, that I like, is moving in with me," I replied in a whisper. He nodded and we both leaned back in our seats and pretended like nothing happened, even though nothing really happened, we just talked. Nash sat back down at the booth all stressed out and he slouched in his seat, leaving me still squished to the wall. He glanced at me and then sipped his drink he got and he rubbed his hand up my thigh slowly and it tickled, so it caused me to hit my knee up under the table, "Nash what are you doing?!" I said quietly and he laughed and looked at Dylan "Haha, inside joke," he said to Dylan and Dylan looked just as confused as me. I rolled my eyes and finished up my drink, "Well I'm tired and I think Nash is too, so I'll see you tomorrow just text me," I said to Dylan pushing Nash out of the seat, he lazily got up and stood directly in front of Dylan so their face to face. "Nash, what are you doing?" I said once again he ignored me staring Dylan in his eyes as the confused Dylan looked at him, then at me, then at him again. Nash took a deep breath "Nice beanie," he said quietly and nodded then walked out of starbucks. "Okay then. Well bye Dylan, it was nice seeing you since a looooong time!" I said and hugged Dylan, he hugged me back tightly "Haha it was weird but it salll coool. I'll text you tomorrow when I'm on my way with the moving truck and stuff," "Okay see ya then," I replied and ran out to Nash car, he started his car and rolled down his window "Hey babe, can we talk later, when you get a moment please? And you mind giving me a ride, Im almost out of gas and I don't wanna stop at the-" right as I was talking Nash rudely interrupted me "Umm I was actually going to spend a night with Gilinsky and Matt. Soo maybe I'll see you later the day after tomorrow, umm what day is that? Oh yeah, Saturday! I'll see you Saturday, that cool babe?" He asked like nothing happened and I knew he was playing the innocent part in this situation. I stood there shocked "Okay so one minute your good and all romantic towards me, the next your all moody and rude, so your gonna kick me off the curb and leave me here for a few days? Ha. I swear that guys must have periods too!" I scoffed and sarcastically laughed. I turned around and walked to my car and noticed Dylan left already, guess I'm gonna have to go all the way to the gas station and then go home. I'm hella tired and Nash is not putting me in the best mood at the moment. Just as I was gonna close my door I saw Nash's car pull up by mine, "Baby. I'm sorry ok I-" he started and rubbed his neck, I interrupted this time "Nah it's cool Nash, just got hang with Gilinsky and Nash, I'll be fine thanks for asking." I said and slammed my door shut, started the car, and drove my ass home. A little bit after I got my gas my phone rang as I was at a stoplight, it was Nash and I answered it, now with me being the annoyed one "Hey babe. Look Im sorry, I got jealous and I just need to cool off, I think I'll just see you Saturday though, the boys and I really need to catch up and I really need to cool off," he spoke "Oh no baby it's ok, I do agree you need to cool off, so do I. So since we both need time to cool down, how bout we take a little break?" I asked calmly but mad and hurt on the inside.

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