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The next day

Charli's POV: I woke up next to chase sleeping. I smile at him sleeping he looked so cute in he's sleep, I squeeze his face and he say "charliiii I'm trying to sleep" I say "it's ur fault ur so cute In ur sleep," he smile and made me smile, and I kissed him and I say "I gotta go to avani's today I'll be back around 4pm okay babe?" "Sure. I'll come pick u up at 7pm for the concert"
"Ok i love u,"
"I love you too char," I kiss him one more time then hop in the shower, 15 mins later I got out, I put on a skirt and a crop top and let my hair down And threw my air forces on and left. 20min later I get to av's house, I ring the bell and she opens and say "hey Bebe" "hi av" I came in and sat down and she say
"so how is everything going?" She asked while getting some tequila out of the fridge
"Want some?" She say, by hanging me a shot
"Sure thanks love" I drunk it then she say
"so u and chase?"
"It's going amazing, guess what?"
"What" she asked
"Tonight we're going to Olivia Rodrigo's concert,"
"Really?? That's ur fav singer"
"I knowww he knows me so well"
"Ahahaha for real, so did u guys already.... you know?"
"No not yet, he wants to, but I'm not ready,"
"I know chase since we were kids, and I know he's the type to act like he could hurt someone but in reality he can't even hurt a fly he's to heart felt," I laugh and say "I know he won't hurt me it's not that, it's about my pass," she says "oh, so he knows and I don't??" I say "avvvv you know the only reason I told him is bc he's my bf and he has the right to know after that I havnt tell anyone,"
"I know char I'm kidding I totally respect ur privacy," I laugh, she says
"sooo what are u gonna wear to the concert?"
"I don't know yet"
"Then that's the perfect occasion to go on a shopping spree what time he's picking u up?"
"Well it's 11am we got a lot of time, we're gonna get ur nails done we're gonna go to the mall,we're gonna make u look hot as fuck so when he sees u, hell fuckin faint," I laugh, and say "you'll drive right?"
She grab her keys and we leave.

Nessa's pov: we got back in LA and I say "now all we need to do is to find this mark guy,"
Josh says "why?" "Oh soon you'll know," I responded.
"So how are we gonna find him?"
"Gemma said he's in LA I don't think he's that far away from us,he's probably here in Hollywood,"
"Okay But how do we find him? We don't know where to look, he might be near Hollywood but we don't have any pictures of him or anything"
"U mean a picture like this?" I show him a pic of mark and he says "HOW IN THE HELL U FOUND THAT??" I say "I know a guy, now no more questions, I think I know one of his friends they always come to that restaurant we always go to, so tonight we'll go there and we'll probably find him," josh says "alright".

Charli's POV: after 4 hours at the mall, we got back to my house, it was around 5pm, avani says "alright we got till 7pm to get u ready, which is in 2 hours, but he's picking u up at 7pm so it's technically 1hour so let's go!!" We go upstairs to my room and I start getting ready.

1hour later

Charli's POV: we finally finished and av covered my eyes and told me "are u ready to see ur self?" I say "yup" I open my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror,she says "soo??" I say "wow ava, I look like a bad bitch, thanks babe" she say "I'm professional at these babe, don't forget to bring chase some water cause after seeing u, he'll faintttt" I laugh and suddenly we heard the bell ring, he say "oop ur prince charmant is here princess" I smile and we go downstairs and we open the door, chase mouth basically fell open and he said "well gawdayummm" I laugh and say "soo how do I look?" He says "like a goddess" I laugh and he says "are u ready to have the best night of ur life?" "Oh damn right I am" I say while smile I say "av thank u so much for everything Babe, I owe u one," she says "don't wrry char go have fun u deserve it," we both smile and hug each other and we left.

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