Dont go

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3rd person pov: nessa kept pointing the gun on charli, she was shaking, chase was trying to calm nessa down but she just kept getting angrier, she yells "U REALLY PICKED THAT BITCH INSTEAD OF ME WHAT DO U SEE IN HER CHASE?!!??" Charli started getting mad and said "Alright that tears it! I DONT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE! CHASE CHOSE ME INSTEAD OF U BECAUSE I DIDNT SLEEP WITH HIS ENEMY LIKE U FUCKING DID!, I DONT FUCKING CONTROL HIM LIKE U USED TO DO! I DONT GET JEALOUS TO EVERY GIRL HIS FRIENDS WITH UNLIKE U!"
"SHUT UP OR ILL- charli cuts nessa off and say "OR WHAT?!!? U WILL SHOOT ME!??? GO AHEAD, U HAVE FULL PERMISSION, BUT JUST KNOW THAT IF U DO KILL ME, CHASE WILL FUCKING HATE U FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!!!" After charli said that, Nessa got extremely mad and yelled "DUMB BITCH!" Nessa got ready to shoot her then chase yelled "NESSA NO!" But unfortunately nessa didn't listen  and shot her, charli was shock, she was scared, she fell on the floor thinking she's the one who got shot, but she was wrong, she didn't get shot, chase did. Chase took the shot by protecting her, he got shot instead of her, charli looked at herself and didn't see no blood on her, she still hasn't realize that chase got shot instead of her, she looks at nessa who was holding the gun in her hands, she puts her hands over her mouth and she yelles "NO!!!!!!" Charli was confuse, nessa kept looking behind her, so she slowly turns around and sees chase on the floor, blood all over him, he falls on the floor, she was shock, she started shaking, her eyes turned into 2big balls that were red and that was about to explose with tears, she yells "CHASE!!!!!!!!" Her eyes automatically exploded with tears, she started crying so hard, she was shaking so fast, she runs to him, and sits on the floor next to him putting his head on her knees "CHASE! BABY!! WHAT HAPPENED!!? BABY OPEN UR EYES!!!" He slowly opens his eyes, but it looks like they were about to close, he was struggling at talking, and said "c-char" charli kept crying and said "BABY! WHY DID U THAT! U SHOULDVE LET HER SHOOT ME INSTEAD! WHY! BABY PLEASE DONT GO I NEED YOU! DONT CLOSE UR EYES PLEASE!!"
"C-char, I-I'm s-srry"
"I-i l-love u" he says as he's last words, he stops talking and slowly closes his eyes, charli yells "NO!! CHASE!! PLEASE NO! OPEN UR EYES! CHASE PLEASE BABY!! NO!! NESSA HELP! CALL AN AMBULANCE HES NOT BREATHING!" Nessa was also crying she was shaking she didn't know what to do she didn't mean to shoot chase, she was about to call 911 and remembered that she's gonna go to jail if she does, she starts tearing up, and runs out the house, she runs to her car, and leaves. She left charli alone with chase in her arms, charli yells "NESSA! NO COME BACK! HELP!! BABY STOP!! WAKE UP PLEASE! I NEED U!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!"
Charli was crying and screaming so loud that the neighbors heard her and came into the house and saw charli on the floor crying, they quickly calls 911 and chase had immediately been rush to the hospital. They get to the hospital and charli was holding chases hands, they took chase out of the e ambulance and quickly rushed him inside they started yelling "EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!" A lot of doctors started coming out and started rushing chase to a room, charli was crying so hard, they stopped her, and the doctor says "charli u can't go! U have to stay here!"
"NO! PLEASE! HE NEEDS ME DOCTOR!" Charli kept crying, he says "Charli please stay here! You're not aloud to go in with us!"
The doctor leaves, and rushed chase into the emergency room, charli kept crying super hard, "DIXIE! I NEED TO CALL DIXIE!" She says crying, she takes her phone out of her pocket and calls her, dix picked up and said "CHARLI! IS EVERYTHING OK?!"
"WHAT?!!!" Dixie yells
"IM ON MY WAY" she hangs up and charli kept crying.

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