You remember me

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The next day

3rd person pov: chase woke up and saw that he slept in front of charli's door he gets up and look over at the window and see charli sleeping he smile and went back to the 1st floor, he sees nick parking he's car and he came and said "hey " "sup" "how is she?" "Still the same", "oh man" he rub chases back and said "u need to go eat something" "no I'm good" "chase ur not good, you need to go eat something" "but I don't to leave her by herself here, I don't want to do the same mistake again", nick says "chase SHES at a hospital" "I don't care I'm gonna stay here with her" "alright you win okay, u want me to bring u something to eat instead?" "Sure". He says "alright" he left. 

2 hours later

Chases POV : i felt like checking on charli so i went up the 3rd floor when i approached the room i heard charli screaming and crying i burst into the room and I saw her in a nightmare she kept saying "DONT TOUCH ME! PLS LET ME GO! CHASE! HELP ME PLS! IT HURTS!" I quickly try to wake her up but she just kept screaming and shaking "OW! PLS STOP IT HURT SO BAD PLS NO!" She just kept crying I yell "CHARLI! WAKE UP!" She wakes up and sees me and scream and run to the corner of the room again she yells "GET AWAY FROM ME!! PLS DONT HURT ME! Please" she kept crying so hard and held her head like she was crazy, I was tired of seeing her like this I can't anymore I can't! I came up to her with tears in my eyes and she kept shaking and say "get away from me! Chase help!" I started crying and yelled "IM CHASE!" She kept crying and say "pls don't hurt me! I didn't do anything" I sat down next to her and she was shaking she tried to get away from me but I held her hands and she say "DONT TOUCH ME! SOMEBODY HELP CHASE!!" I kept crying and said "charli look at me" she says "NO!", I scream "LOOK AT ME CHARLI!" She looks at me crying, and I say "I'm chase baby I am, I won't hurt u, I'm ur chasey remember me? Pls remember me baby pls" I kept crying and she kept crying and she said "c- chase?", "yes baby I'm chase, I'm not mark, look at me I'm not him, I'm the guy that ur deadly in love with" she cries and I cry and I hug her and she say "c- chase I don't know w- what to do a- anymore I really don't I need you p- please stay with me, don't leave me again" she kept crying and I kept crying and said "I swear on my mom's head charli that I will never leave u by yourself again, please forgive me for not being here when u needed me forgive me pls," she kept crying and said "I can't a- anymore I can't I wanna die", she kept crying I say "don't say that baby if u die then I won't be able to be with u," we were both crying, that was the longest time I've ever hugged someone, the most powerful, the most heartfelt, the most sad, the most beautiful sincere hug I've ever give someone, I look at her crying and say "d- do you remember me now?" She shook her head as a yes, I cried and hugged her again and said "I missed you so much baby" she hugs me back and kept crying, and then she fell asleep again I wiped my tears away, and smiled she remembered me, she finally remember me, I pick her up and bring her on her bed, and then looked at her and slowly kissed her hand, and left the room.

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