#1: Look Alive, Sunshine

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my favorite song, Sing by My Chemical Romance, blaring from my alarm clock. I hit the button and checked my phone, it was 8:15. Too early to want to wake up but to late to fall back asleep. Ugh, I got up and walked into the bathroom and washed my face. Then I slipped on my favorite band tee, skinny jeans and combat boots, applied some eyeliner and fixed my brightly dyed hair. I headed out the door to go to my favorite coffee shop, and put my earphones in halfway out the door.

I walked mindlessly to the coffee shop listening to the melodic voice of Him. Gerard and his band. My Chemical Romance. I have loved them since I was little and I may have developed a crush on the singer.

I walked into the somewhat empty shop and took out my earbuds. I smiled at the barista, ordered my coffee and sat down at a table near a booth with four men whispering excitedly to themselves.
I sighed and took a sip of my coffee when I felt a tap on my shoulder and giggling coming from the booth behind me. I turned around and stared in awe at the man in front of me.

"H-hi, I'm Gerard" The tall man said awkwardly. He reached his hand out and grinned slightly.
"May I sit with you?" He asked.

I sat dumbfounded and stumbled with my words, "I...um.. I'm Y/N" I mentally cursed myself for my impaired social ability.

Gerard sat across from me and I could feel the silent encouragement from his friends behind me. He looked at me with those eyes.. The eyes I had always dreamed of, and now they were here in person. They were beautiful, mesmerizing. Suddenly I snapped back to reality when the owner of those eyes gently shook my shoulder.

"Hey, hey! Are you alright?" He asked with concern in his voice.
"Um yea, I just didn't expect to meet my idol at the coffee shop.." I looked away sheepishly. I shouldn't of said that. Then I felt a soft hand under my chin and a pair of lips collide with mine. I kissed back immediately and was stuck in shock of what just happened.

"Call me sometime, cutie" Gerard said and slid a piece of paper into my hand. He and the rest of the band walked out and whispering praise to Gerard. I sat there still in awe, smiling to myself and clutching the precious piece of paper that changed my life.

Authors Note!
So this is my first part of my first fic, I guess you would call it. Please tell me what you guys think! I will also do requests! So comment please. Thank you all so much!

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