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It was another evening at Jasmine's job. Jasmine despises her job in every way, mostly because of the toxic manager and her little homophobic pet, Lucy. She has the same job as Jasmine, but still seems to get more privilege then jazzy will ever get in this building.

"I don't have time to do this paperwork, I'm going to get a pedicure with the manager" Lucy said while plopping thousands of pages on Jasmine's desk.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Jasmine yelled.

Lucy: "Oh please, what are you even gonna do when you get home? Talk to your GiRlFrIeNd? You're just going through a phase. You don't actually love her, you should to married Anthony!"

Jasmine looked disgusted and confused.  She was in shock because she never heard something so hurtful since the 10th grade. Jasmine examined Lucy closely then opened her mouth.

"YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! I CAN LOVE WHO I WANT AND GUESS WHAT? I'M QUITTING. FUCK YOU IN ALL POSSIBLE WAYS." Jasmine stuck her middle finger up and stormed out of the building without turning back for a second. She drove home on the verge of tears. She cursed out Lucy under her breath as she drove home in distraught.

When she opened her apartment door, she saw Pippa in a blue crop-top with some light blue comfy Pajama pants.

"Pippa." Jasmine said and collapsed into her arms uncontrollably crying.

Pippa was so confused. She hated seeing Jasmine sad, especially cause that barely happened.

Pippa: "Shh..... What's  wrong?"

Jasmine: " I- I *sob* I quit my job.."

Pippa: " No,no no. It's OK Jazzy, We'll figure it out "

"I'm sorry, I know how much this money was in important to you.. IM SORRY!!" Jasmine whined

Pippa: " No really, its okay. I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself. If it makes you any happier, I think a child would get you through this tragedy.."

Jasmine: *Sniff* "Maybe.."

Pippa: " Can we look through children?"

"Sure.." Jasmine sighed in relief.

Time skip after looking for children.

Pippa: " So?? Which one did you like the best? "

Jasmine couldn't decide. They all looked amazing, and the thought of only taking one, and leaving the others just made her stressed. She didn't know what to choose, then she remembered Rebel. Something about Rebel made Jasmine's eyes beam. Rebel was a 13 year old with tan skin, and black hair. She looked kind of "emo" but overall sounded like a great daughter.

"I like this one" Jasmine pointed to Rebel on Pippa's computer screen.

Pippa: " Rebel? "

Jasmine: " Yup "

Pippa: " I might talk to the adoption services tomorrow. Goodnight Jas" pippa kissed her forehead.

"I love this woman" Jasmine thought.

Adopted by Jasippa | A Messy Hamilton Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now