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Ok so I hope your ready! ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ this is mature-ish content!
Ok here we go! And Moon_Kiwi_639 does know that our convo is in a book now and I have they're provision to publish it!

—third person POV—
/at the moment there standing up, Izuku's leaning on his bed frame and Katsuki is looking over his desk/

"Puppy I'm boreddddd" Izuku said innocently. Katsuki blushes slightly and replies, "t-that's not my fa-ult!"

// form now on it's a lot of talking and I'm lazy so: this is gonna be Baku  and this is gonna be Izuku//

"Why are you stuttering puppy? Are you flustered?~"
"Hah?! I a-m not!"
"Oh Kacchan  your so cute sometimes"
Crosses arms pouts slightly- bearly noticeable "am no-t stupid b-unny"
"Heh, what's wrong, you flustered bunny"
"Stuttering? Yeh definitely not flustered"
"S-hut up puppy!"
Blushes "now t-that's ju-st rud-e"
"You like it when I call you puppy~ don't you?"
"I d-do not! N-nerd!"
"You do puppy   Just admit it pup"
Blushes more "N-no! I do-ont!"
"You love it don't you puppy"
"N-n-no!! I-I do-nt!!" Huffs in anger
"your acting like such a bottom" smirks "maybe the high and mighty Katsuki Bakugou is actually a bottom"
"I-I a-am N-NO-T a B-bott-om!"
"Yes you are puppy   And you know it"
"N-no I-m no-t!"
"Your in such denial  It's cute"
"D-denia-l my-y a-ass!!"
"I'm almost the biggest bottom in UA, but I think you take that spot   Because even I could top you"
"N-no yo-ou cou-ld not!"
"Awww! Your so cute, we both know I could top you"
"I-I'm not c-cute!" Pouts "Nu-uh"
"Aww look at you! Pouting  like a little puppy dog"
"I-I do-nt pout!!!!!"
"You do pout puppy. Just like a little puppy dog"
"No! I-I don-t"
"All we need are some ears and a tail and you'd actually be my cute puppy, I'm sure Momo could help with that. Or would you preferred her not to know that your biggest bottom we have at UA"
"N-NO! Ther-e is-s no w-wey you-r get-ting m-m-me in ear & a-a tai-l!"
"Admit that I could top you or I'll call her right now"
"N-never! A-and you wo-wouldn't d-dare!"
"Tell me puppy, in the state your in now, how would you ever be able to top me"
"Exactly  you wouldn't be able too"
"Your just a little puppy dog Vulnerable little puppy"
"N-no I-I-I" can't even talk properly "I-I wi-ill n-ev-er b-be a-a p-pu-upp-y!"
Reaches up and plays with hair "fluffy little puppy"
Blushes and huffs. Turns head away but doesn't pull head away from hand
Scratches his head and plays with his hair likes it ALOT pulls hims close to himself and continues melts kisses your forehead "your such a bottom puppy" giggles almost moans but holds himself back from pride boops his nose and pulls hand away to annoy him whines from loss of contact "see you are a little puppy You wine like one too!" Blushes HARD "come on Just admit your a bottom"   Blushes harder, but still says nothing "admit your a bottom and I'll continue playing with your hair" contemplates it for a moment "f-fine. I-I'm a-a bo-ttom. Ha-ppy?!"
Giggles "I-I caught that in video!" Pulls out phone "Y-you d-iD W-WH-AT!?!? De-leat it r-right n-ow!!"
"Silly puppy I'm never gonna do that" pouts "puppy don't pout!" Pouts more, looks away "kachan, come on I'm just playing pup" still being his salty and petty ass "aw come on" reaches up and turns Baku to him "kachan!" Blush "I said I was just playing! Stop being so petty!"
"A-and you-u s-said y-you'd pl-lay wi-th my hai-r mo-re" pulls Baku close to himself and runs his fingers through his hair "do you feel better now pup?" Relaxes into touch "y-yes"
"Will you stop being petty," boops his nose "please?"
"N-Never!" Smirks but fails and melts completely due to the hands going through his hair "your supper bloody cute pup" ruffles his hair. Is just zoned out and just so comfortable. Giggles and pulls away to see if he would notice. Doesn't realise it but wines VERY loud at the loss of contact.   Blushes at the whine and smile gently continues to play with hair smiling at him. Melts more and closes eyes. Pulls his hair on accident. Moans. Realises and opens eyes, blushing very hard. Freezes and blushes very hard pulling his hand away from Bakus head "I-I'm sorry kachan I didn't mean to pull your hair!" Is frozen from embarrassment "Y-you moaned-"   Reaches up and plays with bakus hair again pulling it slightly on purpose relaxes then starts moaning softly but doesn't stop deku "you like it when I pull your hair-"   Pulls hair gently again "don't you pup"
Blushes "y-yes" moans again. Has completely forgotten about his pride. Pulls his hair again "silly puppy. I told you that you were a bottom, and this just proves it~" moans then huffs in annoyance "o-oh hu-sh!" Pulls Baku down to his level "did you just tell me to hush puppy?" Blushes like a tomato "y-yeh a-and?" Pulls Baku close to himself and whispers in his ear "naughty puppy" eyes roll back slightly with his lips slightly parted. Turns around and faces away from Baku "guess I just won't continue~" whines "Nuuuu"
"Nope! Naughty puppy"
"P-please" fidgeting
"No more"
"You shouldn't have told me to hush puppy"
"I-m sorry th-en" turns around pulling Baku close to himself, ruffling his hair once more. Relaxes into the touch once more. Pulls hair  "like that puppy?" Moans and nods head. Giggles and smirks. Isn't paying attention any more and is just in the feeling. Pulls his hair roughly. Moans loudly. Blushes heavily "puppy be quite" blushes really hard and covers his face with his hands "someone's gonna hear us" moves bakus hands and covers his mouth instead, pulling his hair. Moans against hand. Pulls his hair again and presses his own hands against bakus mouth "quite down puppy~ people are gonna suspect something if they hear you! You don't want people to find out how much of a bottom you are do you?" Shakes his head no while trying and failing to keep his moans in "your in such a naughty puppy~" pulls Baku close to himself "cutie" is just lost in everything "mhm" Doesn't really know what going on around him but knows it feels good. Pulls him close and hold onto him tight pulling his hair. Moans from emense pleasure. Growls quietly "your getting ahead of yourself puppy" let's go of him and stops playing with his hair "you've gotta beg for it" whines a lot "N-no!"
"I want to hear you beg for it, if you want it that bad it shouldn't be hard to beg for what you want" sits down on his bed.
"I-I wi-ll nev-ver b-b-beg for any-t-thing!" Is being a stubborn little ass. "If you can't beg for it then you just won't get it" lays back and ignores Baku. "N-no!" Climbed on top of the bed and places himself in Izuku's lap whining. Pretends not to hear him. Starts bouncing up and down fully aware of where he is. Continues whining. Blushes hard and lays head back slightly "p-puppy y-your on m-my-"  try's not to moan. Smirks slightly while blushing "your what?~" leans in close to his ear "master~" moans softly biting his lip in an attempt to be quiet "m-m-my d-dick" stops bouncing. Smirks and pulls his head back to look at Izuku in the eyes "oh really? I didn't notice!" Has an innocent look on his face but lust  filled eyes.

Okay! Well Sad to say this chapters over! But that's what the next chapter is for ! See you there!

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