߷ C H A P T E R - S E V E N ߷

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☁︎︎ C H A P T E R S E V E N ☁︎︎


"What does that mean?" I demanded, pulling my arm from my mothers grip again after she'd tugged me through the grand halls of the palace. We were in my wing now, and up ahead in the long dimly lit hallway, I could see my father with Nahm. It looked like they were arguing before they walked into one of my private study rooms upon seeing us nearing.

"Can someone please tell me what's happening?" I asked as my mother and I entered the study, and two servants closed the door behind us quickly, both of them looking pale and worried.

"The court has ruled in breaking the union," Nahm blurted angrily before my father spoke. His voice was tense. "They ruled in Luna's favour, but father-"

"I over ruled it," Father interjected, looking agitated. "The marriage will go on as planned, you need not worry, Nynia."

"I'm not worried," I replied quietly, my voice clear and tense as I walked further into the room, my extravagant white gown trailing behind me. My mother went to my father's side. "If Luna presented a blood moon, I don't want to go through with the wedding." I continued, my anger towards my parents fuelling my clear tone. I knew the omen had nothing to do with the wedding, but... I could at least try to free myself, then maybe I wouldn't need whatever the dark God would bestow upon me. "I don't want to be cursed."

"The blood moon could have been for many reasons, she has shown no indication that she rejected his presence in our lands before." Mother spoke up, looking towards my father for approval. I felt something hot sting my face from the inside. "Your union with Prince Calder will bring many blessings to our lands and to his,"

"How much?" I asked, my heart beginning to pulse and beat harder. The air felt thin. "How much did his parents promise you? More power? Wealth? We already have enough!"

"Excuse me?" My father replied, offence gripping his words.

"What did his parents promise you in exchange for me? Because this is not my decision. I do not want to marry him, I will not." I spoke out loudly, feeling my eyes watering and I cursed at them silently. For once, I'd like to not cry when I was upset and make it so obvious I was affected. "Please do not force me to do this." My voice cracked and Nahm took a protective step towards me. "Not to him, I will marry anyone else. Please."

"Nynia," my mother gasped, and I felt that flooding of emotions begin to ball in my throat. A low basal ringing tone echoed in my ears as if as a warning, too. "Please control yourself." She murmured, her eyes widening with warning as my father stared in an angered silence.

Not now... please, not now.

"How could you do this?" My voice cracked again. "Lead me down a false path and lie to my face that this was my choice? For years!" I gasped, tears swelling in my eyes. "All these years you should have noticed!" I blurted, my voice raised and shrill. I couldn't stop it, even though I wanted to know why as a look of fury descended over my father's face. "He hurts me, he curses at me, didn't you notice? Did you not see? Have you not seen how I have been behaving around him this whole time? I don't want to marry him! I don't want this! Please don't make me!" I gasped, and cupped my mouth as my words shook and tears stung my cheeks. I was shaking again as my mind dragged the memories from the depths, seeming to trick my body into thinking all these violent encounters happened just moments ago.

The ringing sound hadn't subsided, and fear began to creep in... but only as I realised the warning sound was not for me. But for them. I felt a presence, lingering... unseen... watching this quiet chaos unfolding and taking notes as if to save the moment for later.

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