Chapter 8 - Don't Take No For An Answer

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👆 annnnd that's Vinchenzo up there if you were wondering ;)

Enjoy the chapter after having your eyes blessed :D


I had my cast removed off my right arm and the doctors were amazed at my high rate of healing. My dad had taken me to the hospital and it still felt really weird that I didn't have it on. I often liked to flex my fingers just to make sure I wasn't imgaining it.

I didn't bother knocking on the door as I walked into Vinchenzo's office. I looked around and found it empty.

"Don't you know how to knock Red?" Vinchenzo asked as he walked in and placed the glass filled with water onto his desk. I didn't even hear the door open.

"I left that skill above." I said pointing at the ceiling while Vinchenzo rubbed his formal shoes against the tiles.

"Hm well, you need to go and bring it. I can't have you randomly walk in on things." He told me.

"What type of things?" I asked bravely.

"Business meetings, interrogations and other things like that..." He trailed off as he turned his computer on.

"I have to tell you something important." I told him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"There are two girls who are plotting to kill Sienna. One girl is from the cerulean scheme and the other one is in the yellow scheme. I think the girl from the yellow scheme is Nora but I can't be certain." I told him.

"Are you joking? This is a serious matter Red." He said in a scary tone.

"I swear I am not lying, Vinchenzo!" I said.

"Maledizione!" Vinchenzo hissed.


"We can't let them get to her. She's my close friend." I said to him and he nodded.

"Sanguinosa inferno! Why can't I ever catch a bloody break!" He said and placed his head in his hands.

[Bloody hell!]

"What do you mean?" I asked him curiously.

"While you weren't here many things happened. Gino Donfrio has cancer, Giovanni Borgatti wants his children back and Iñigo will not stop slaughtering innocent people and leaving them in the streets. We have to protect ourselves and Iñigo is being the dumb idiota and leaving his tracks all over the show!" He hissed as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

"Giovanni Borgati? Isn't he a mafia leader?" I asked.

Vinchenzo nodded, "He is also the father of Tristiaan and Trevor Borgati."

"I knew that!" I gasped remembering that phone call Tristiaan had and his mood had turned sour and then we departed on an outing.

"Yes yes." Vinchenzo said

"What are you going to do about Sienna?" I asked him.

"We will alert Dantè. Then we will take it from there." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay." I told him.

"Red?" Vinchenzo asked and I looked up at him.


"Would you like to go out with me tonight? We can go to La Bellezza they do serve the best Tiramisu in the world." Vinchenzo told me.

"I didn't bring formal wear with me." I told him trying to get out of the whole date thing.

"That's fine, I will send Adriano to arrange some  you."

"I don't feel well."

"Must I call Steven to come check up on you, mia cara?"

[My dear]

"It's the regular flu. I'll heal." I told him.

"I can get you some pain killers if you'd like some."

"No I don't believe in taking medicine."

"Enough with the excuses Red! The word no is also an answer and therefore you don't have to sit and lie."

"You don't take no for an answer." I shot back.

"I'm glad you know me well. In that case I will see you dressed and ready at six pm. Don't be late otherwise we will miss our reservations." He grinned and went back to clicking away on his computer.

I remained seated and stared at him. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to go out on a date with him and end up having my heart in a pile of shards. That wasn't going to happen and I was trying my best not to let his good looks get to me although sitting here and looking at him made my heart flutter.

"Love with your mind and decide with your brain." Is what my mother had always said to me. She often told us that people who were in love became blind to the truth that was right in front of them. I needed to be strong and I needed to get the keys from Constanzo.

"Aren't you going to get ready?" He asked me confused, "It is three pm currently and we have to leave by six pm." He gently reminded me.

I nodded my head, "I will go get ready. Can you call someone and ask them to show me to my room?" I asked him.

If I needed Vinchenzo's help I would have to play along and that means risking my heart as well. If I wanted to honour my mothers dying wish I had to go through with this even though my life was at stake.

Four knocks on the door indicated that one of the men in a higher level were waiting outside.

"Enter!" Vinchenzo called out and Tristiaan walked in with a brown box that was filthy.

"We managed to get it Don." Tristiaan said as he placed the box on Vinchenzo's desk.

"You're here? Perfect. You must go show Red to her bedroom. Ask Adriano or Alessio to fetch her something from above." He said to Tristiaan who saluted.

"Aye! Aye! Captain." Tristiaan said and he gestured for me to follow him.

When we were walking down the corridor Tristiaan turned to look at me.

"Do you like being back here?" He asked me with a small smile.

I shrugged, "I missed everyone and as long as I can go back home to visit my father then I am very happy." I casually told him.

"Now Vitali can stop committing murders based on hair colour." Tristiaan joked while I sighed.

"Vinchenzo is crazy. He can't go around on a killing spree just because he feels like it." I said.

Tristiaan shrugged his shoulders, "You are the only one he listens to besides his father. His father is an irritational man who belongs in an asylum. You can be the good role model in Vinchenzo's life." He told me before he opened the door to a massive bedroom, flashed me a smile and then he made his way back down the corridor.

I walked into the room to find a massive king sizes bed that had a silver duvet. There were two nightstands on either sides of the bed. There was a big window that overlooked the massive river that flowed through the Vitali territory. I sat on the plump chair near the window and looked out at the beautiful natural sight of nature before me and it was absolutely beautiful.

"Aren't you going to get ready? It's nearly six." A familiar voice said and I grinned.

Hey Guys!

I hope you're doing well! Here is another upload for today! I just wanted to let you know that I will not be uploading on Saturday and Sunday and will resume with uploads on Monday!

Question of the chapter:

What's the most useless talent you have?

Tbh... i Don't really know but I'd like to hear yours!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and always leave your thoughts in my comment section!


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