Chapter 17 - Save Me Now

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"Help!" I screamed but my voice was muffled by his gross hand.

"No one can help you! You're all alone." He cackled as his grip tightened.


"I know your dad tried to get me into jail but I broke out. Those useless cops were too busy sleeping to stop me from getting out. I have been looking for you and now I find you by chance!" He grinned as he made the mistake to loosen his hand against my mouth.

I took this chance to bite his hand. Santiago hissed in pain as he removed his hand. I kicked him in the crotch which caused him to double over as I ran out the bathroom screaming. I was met by Vranchesco who was running towards me.

"Arianna!" He called out to me.

"Help! Help me please!" I cried out breathless as I watched Santiago stand up and walk towards me furiously.

"Who? That puny freak?" Vranchesco laughed pointing at Santiago who was seething. I swear I could see him foaming by his mouth.

"She's mine!" Santiago growled as he walked forward.

"She's my fiancee!" Vranchesco laughed as he pushed me behind him and got into a protective stance.

I watched as Santiago swung his fist forward but Vranchesco managed to stop him and threw a fist  into Santiago's stomach. He groaned and fell back to the floor as he clutched at his stomach. Vranchesco rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and began throwing well calculated punches at Santiago's face who seemed to be passed out.

Wanting to get a little revenge of my own I walked over to Santiago's side and kicked him as hard as I could.

"Vranchesco! Stop!" I said as Vranchesco continued to pummel Santiago's face in.

"He needs to learn to respect woman!" Vranchesco yelled as he carried on.

Soon we had an audience. People stood around us taking videos and photos od the scene. I noticed the shopping mall security come forward and try pry Vranchesco apart from Santiago.

"Stop! You're gonna kill him!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. This caused Vranchesco to stop and look at me.

"Arianna? Are you okay?" He asked as he stalked towards me.

"I am. Your hands!" I gasped as I noticed the blood on his hands.

"Not mine." He said and pointed at Santiago whose face had begun to swell up.

"Sir!" One of the guards called as he walked towards us alone.

"What do you want?"

"Sir, we have to place you under arrest for assault." He said and looked at Santiago's half dead form.

"No." Vranchesco said.

"What do you mean no?" The guard said.

"Sir, that man was trying to assault me in the bathroom. He acted out of defense for me. Besides that man on the ground swung first." I told him.

"You don't have evidence." The guard said.

"Go roll the cameras." I told him rolling my eyes whilst the guard huffed.

"Follow me. Both of you." He said sternly.

"Let's go Ari. We'll sort this out." Vranchesco reassured me with a smile.

Vranchesco tentatively grabbed my hand as we followed the security guard to the area where they kept the computers that allowed us to gain access. The guard tapped his card and the computer system granted him quick access.

I watched as I walked into the bathroom and Santiago placed a hand over my mouth. I watched as I ran out screaming and I watched as Santiago swung first.

"Fine. You're both free to go." He said as he rewatched the clip nearly five times over, "Just leave your contact details in case I need to get to you." He told me.

Vranchesco nodded his head and wrote his phone number down in an elegant handwriting that I was instantly jealous of.

"I am a phone call away. That man needs to be sent to prison!" Vranchesco said before he walked over to me, his eyes softening and grabbed my hand and walked towards the ice cream parlour.

"Which flavour would you like? I know you're shaken up after that, we can leave if you want." He added.

"I have calmed down. I'll just have a strawberry flavoured cone with some strawberry syrup. Gelato of course." I said smiling slightly.

"You like gelato too?" Vranchesco said shocked.

"Yes! When we were younger my father used to always bring us some pistachio flavoured gelato. I've loved it since then."

"Pistachio is a good flavour! I will actually order that now." He said as he spoke to the Asian lady that stood behind the ice cream counter.

Her dark brown hair was pulled into a bun, her lips were painted a red colour and she had a huge smile plastered on her face as she happily took our orders.

"Sit down somewhere and Silin will bring you your order." She said with an Asian accent.

Silin brought out our ice cream and we sat at the metal table eating it as Vranchesco told me corny and silly jokes to make me smile. Vranchesco had a nice personality that complimented mine and we both loved to spend time together. He was very athletic, intelligent and he definelty hit the gene jackpot. We had then paid and headed to the park nearby where we both behaved like children.

"You're so weak! You need to push me higher so I can touch the sky!" I yelled as I went back and forth on the swing.

"Push your damned self!" Vranchesco responded whilst he put all effort into pushing me.

"Weeeeee!" I yelled as I moved my legs around in the air.

"Don't fall!" Vranchesco called as he noticed I was only holding onto the metal chains of the swing with only one hand.

"I won't!" I called back and stuck out my tongue.

We had then driven home and greeted by Rösa who had faithfully prepared dinner for us. We ate it and now we were both in our pyjamas and on our phones. I was on the bed and Vranchesco took the couch as per usual.

"You know what?" Vranchesco asked, startling me, "I think I'm starting to fall for you, Arianna." He told me before he closed his eyes and fell asleep on the couch.

Hey Guys!

Vranchesco fessed his feelings #aww moment!

Anyways don't forget to vote and leave your comment in the comment section!!

Love you all!


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