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This chapter contains music from "We are the champions" by QUEEN.


Arthur felt ashamed showing off his place, he of course didn't have very much. He lived in this rundown building his whole life and what he earned at Ha-Ha's wasn't even enough for him to try feed himself and his mother. Sure you had a small apartment too but at least your building was bigger and more stable.

"Right, here we are," Arthur said, opening the door.

I stepped inside and looked around, it was small and tight. It had earth-tone checkered patterns and cheap furniture, also it was decorated with old painted portraits and had objects sat on some wooden shelves. But I quite liked it, not my taste but it was unique and felt like home.

He was ready to hear you take advantage of his living space and make fun of him, but was surprised when you spoke out, "It's lovely Arthur, did your mother design it?"

He smiled, "Yeah, she did. Not what I'd go for, but...yeah."

"Happy, is that you?" an elderly woman's voice called out.

He moaned, "yeah ma."

I giggled, "Happy? That's a sweet nickname."

He gave a nervous smile, not sure whether he should feel embarrassed or not, "Uh...yeah that's what she calls me."

"I can see that."

His mother called out again, "Happy who else is there?"

"That's y/n, the girl at my workplace," he replied.

"Does she know about the getting fired thing?" I asked him, "obviously not the gun part, but yeah."


I crossed my eyebrows and whispered, "You haven't told her yet?"

"If I did then she'd freak, she also doesn't believe my standup career would be successful," he explained quietly.

I nodded, "Can I see your mother so we can properly introduce ourselves to each other?"

"Yeah, okay," he answered blankly.

He guided me towards Penny's bedroom and opened the door, greeting his mother. This was quite exciting for me, of course I've never met his mother before but as I grew to know Arthur more I soon learned about Penny. I know that she isn't mentally well and her obsession with Thomas Wayne; she worked for him about thirty years ago and continuously sends letters to him, claiming that her and Arthur need help due to their poor lifestyle. But like Arthur and I, we know that they're never going to get help from him, we both know what kind of man Thomas Wayne is, which is unfortunate for her as she believes he is 'extraordinary.'

When I first entered the room, I quickly took notice of the contrast between her boudoir and the living area. This room was glamorous and warm, the yellow curtains and the pink flowery wallpaper were a nice feminine touch.

She was sat on top of her flowing bedding and gave me a welcoming smile. I gave her one in return, "Hi Ms Fleck, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh please dear, call me Penny thank you."

"Okay Penny," I reached out to gently shake her hand then sat down on the edge of the bed while Arthur stayed standing.

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