Chapter 10

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~Billie's pov~

Its been a couple weeks since I talked to Ana and I feel kinda bad so I text her.

Billie is bold

Hey beautiful. Sorry I have been distanced lately but do you mind if I come over today.

Yeah you can come over now.

Okay Im on my way.

I drive over to her house on knock on the door. I see Ana answer it. She has a hoodie and leggings on. I hug her and grab her wrist and pull her to her room. Once I grab her wrist she whinces in pain.

B- "Baby are you okay?"

A- "Yeah I- I just hurt my wrist the other day" she stutters

B- "Are you sure?"

A- "Yes I'm fine!" she says defensive like

B- "Okay.." I say walking towards her room

A- "Wanna watch Looney Tunes?"

B- "Sure but why that" I ask

A- "Its the only thing keeping me alive" she says looking down

B- "What do you mean by that?"

A- "Well I-" she stops "Okay I lied about the wrists"

B- "You what?!" I say kinda mad

A- "Don't get mad but I-I, I CUT MYSELF" she says even her brother comes in her room

J- "What did you do!" He says asking me

B- "I didn't do anything!" I say

J- "Then why did she scream

A- "I cut myself alright!" She says rushing out her room and I chase after her

B- "Ana wait!" I say running after her as she walks outside covering her face not caring it a car comes or not.

B- "Ana stop!!"

A- "What do you want! You can't make it any better!" She screams back at me

B- "I know I can't but I know who can"

A- "Who then Billie. Who"

B- "My brother. He helped me through mine. He can help you." I say stopping and looking at the ground

A- "You cut yourself?!" She says confused as hell

B- "Y-Yes" I say showing her the scars

A- "Oh my gosh Billie"

B- "Yeah. Let's go to my brother's house she if he can help." I say running to my car and she follows

We get to my Finneas' house and I knock on his door and he answers.

F- "Hey Bil. Why are you here?"

B- "Can we speak about it inside"

F- "Yeah sure" he says and we all come inside. "Oh hi Anastasia didn't see you there"

A- "Hi you can call be Ana for short"

F- "Okay Ana you can call me Finn for short. You guys can sit here"

B- "Okay" I sit next to Claudia and Ana sits next to me.

C- "Hey Ana. Hey bils"

B- "Hello"

F- "So what did you want to talk about Bil?" He says while sitting down

B- "Wanna me to tell him Ana?" I ask Ana and she sits in silence.

F- "Tell me what?" He asks confused

I sigh

B- "Ana cut herself and I was thinking you could help" I say holding back my tears.

F- "Oh my. Sure I can help"

B- "Okay great"

A- "Where is y'all's bathroom?" She asks standing up

C- "I'll show you" she says getting up

A- "Alright"

They leave and me and Finn talk

F- "So you gotta take all sharp objects away from her. Always be watching her. I know you don't live with her but stay there for a week and try so see if that works. Ask her why she cut herself and maybe give her something that is what made her cut herself"

B- "Okay thanks Finn" I say hugging him

He hugs me back. Ana and Claudia comes back and me and Ana go to my car and drive to her house.

Once we get there I open the door and go to her room and she follows.

B- "May I ask why you did it?"

A- "Well- You"

B- "Wait me?!" I say even more confused

A- "Well yeah because you haven't talked to me in weeks and I got worried you lost feelings or hope. Even Camilla hasn't texted me but she is in London right now" she starts crying.

B- "Im sorry baby" I say holding her in my arms.

She digs her head into my chest and I stroke her long brown hair. She ends up falling asleep so I lay her down and cover her up. I look around her room for any small sharp objects. I find some, I take them and throw them away.

I lay down behind her and cuddle her.

"I wish I was there but I was to fucking busy with stupid shit" I whisper

"Don't beat yourself up baby" she says whispering back

"Oh your up" I laugh a little

"Yup" she says nudging her head into my chest.

B- "Me and you need to have some alone time"

A- "What do you mean?" She says lifting her head up.

B- "Im staying here for a week so Im gonna be with you 24/7"

A- "Yay!" She says kissing me.

I kiss her back. We end up making out for a couple minutes then get interrupted by someone at her bedroom door.

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