Chapter One

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Noodles Pov
I woke up today I got dressed and and went to heroic headquarters I didn't wake up my sister cause she goes to actual school and I got to heroic headquarters to practice my studies well not really but anyway we both have powers I have elasticity and she has invisiblely like our mom well let's get on with the story shall we
Vanish's  Outfit

Invisi-girl:Goodmorning Honey Vanish:Goodmorning MomInvisi-girl:Honey we have to talk Vanish:What's up Invisi-girl:I have to take you to heroic headquarters with your brother and the reason why is because your going to have to get the hang of your...

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Invisi-girl:Goodmorning Honey
Vanish:Goodmorning Mom
Invisi-girl:Honey we have to talk
Vanish:What's up
Invisi-girl:I have to take you to heroic headquarters with your brother and the reason why is because your going to have to get the hang of your powers sometime and now is a good time too do that
Vanish:I really don't wanna go mom please
Invisi-girl:Please honey
Invisi-girl:Let's go
(At Heroic Headquarters)
Ms.Granada:Hi I'm miss Granada you will be staying with the other kids and practicing your studies and I hear your twins brother is noodles isn't that nice well go on
(Vanish walks in)
Ms.Granada:Hello Students this Vanish she will be practicing her studies with you guys and you children behave I will be back to check on you  guys Vanish take a seat over there
(Vanish went and sat by a boy with black eyes and then Ms.Granada left and all the kids started to dance and have fun)
(30 minutes later)
Ms:Granada:Hello Students this is missy she will be joining you and missy sit right there and thank you children for respecting my rules
(She then leaves and vanish sees her brother stick is head out to the door)
Noodles:She's gone
(Then they went crazy again)
(Noodles introduced you to everybody)
Noodles:Guys this is my sister vanish
Rewind:Nice to meet you
Facemaker:Well hello there
(Then wheels shows missy everybody)
credit to beaner1305 for the name vanish

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