Chapter Six

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Missy:Wheels how much time do we have
Wheels:18 minutes
Missy:Well we have to move quickly if we wanna stop this thing
Wildcard:Are you crazy we have to save our parents let them handle hit
Missy:By the time we ge-
Wildcard:No I'm done listening to you if you want miss no powers as a leader fine but me and facemaker and vanish going to free our parents
Vanish:I'm sorry guys
Rewind:Your really gonna go with him
Vanish:We have to let our parents handle this
Noodles:We can be heroes too
Vanish:I know you guys can but I'm not meant to be a superhero
Rewind:You can too
Vanish:I can't I never wanted to be here I never want powers I never asked for any of this ok I'm going to save our parents and let them handle I'm not cut out for this
Rewind:Vanish come back
Vanish:Let's go Wildcard and Facemaker

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