Chapter Four

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Vanish:I hope our parents are ok
Rewind:Don't worry they are fine
Noodles:You don't know that
Rewind:Whatever man
(Y'all all get out of the tunnel)
Missy:Um Vanish and Wildcard come here
(Missy whispers in your ear " Ojo is an alien" in both of you and wildcards ears)
Wildcard:Holy Doo Doo
Rewind:That was funny
Facemaker:No it wasen't
Vanish:There it is we have to get inside
(She waits a few seconds)
(They all made to the alien ship)
Vanish:Wheels can yo-
Wheels:No we aren't all here
Vanish:Um excuse that's was rude
Rewind:It's going to be alright
Fastforward:Who's missing
(They all see slomo running)
Noodles:Vanish this is your chance to use your powers
Vanish:No thank you
Noodles:Come on
Rewind:You got this
(Vanish disappears and is right beside slomo grabs him and the appears in the alien ship and the door closes)
Noodles:That's was amazing
Rewind:Good Job Pumpkin
(Noodles gives him the death stare)
Rewind:I mean vanish
Facemaker:Now that is funny
Guppy:Is this ship to big or am i to small
Vanish:Let's go
(They go into a room )
Facemaker:What is the president doing here
Vanish:Guys let's go
Ms.Granada:Do you children have any idea what you have done
Vanish:We are saving our parents
Ms.Granada:You have a lot of mouth girl
Vanish:Thank you
Ms.Granada:I'm so proud of you children
(Ojo shows me and missy her iPad and it show that's Ms.Granada is an alien)
Vanish:I knew it
President:Don't waste your breath Granada they know
(Then Granada and the president and her guards have tentencale coming from there back)
Ms.Granada:Well the round the up
(Then there were tentacles on all of you guys)

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