Chapter Eight

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Ojo:All I heard was chaos,dysfunction,disharmoney just like your parents
(Then you
Missy:We were all working together
Ojo:We're you then where is vanish and wildcard
Missy:Good question Hey Vanish and Wildcard old buddy's are you guys in the ship's control room yet
Wildcard and Vanish:Sure am
Vanish:Just liked we planned
(With Granada)
Ms.Granada:Ignore him that's some kind of trick I have wildcard right here don't I
(Then he puts his hand over his face and it's facemaker)
(Ms.Granada screams)
Facemaker:Wow I gave this plan 50-1 odds at best but you felt for it hook,line and sinker
Me.Granada:We got the one with the useless superpower
Facemaker:Got you far away from the control center,didn't it
Ms.Granada:Go to the control center,now ,Go,Go,Go
Ojo:You guys were working together
Missy:Suprise and I sent them both on a secret mission isn't that right vanish and wildcard
Vanish:When mission leader tells you to do something you get to it
Ojo:When did you guys accept missy as leader
Vanish:After the tunnel when she told me and wildcard you were an alien spy

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