New Kid

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This is my first fanfic so dont be to harsh and my spelling is not the best, I am thinking this will take place during season one also I do not own Glee I only own my oc
Here I am starting at McKinley high not knowing what to expect. My name is Wesley Gilbert, I have blonde hair, blue eyes, with a heavy limp when I walk, I also have to wear glasses. I just walked in the door and am already getting looks, then again how many 15 year olds walk around with a limp.
I know I am not getting stared at for my looks because I am an average guy. I stand at about 5'9" and I am not the best dressed.
For now I will ignore it and go get my schedule, after all this is no different than the school I was at in Colorado.
Finally the end of third, I've always hated english. As I am walking down the hall I see these two guys in Letterman jackets walking towards a beautiful blonde haired girl, with amazing hazel eyes, that... looks pregnant, with what look like slushies. From what I have heard with my exceptional good hearing they throw shlushies on people here.

Now I cant alow that kind of treatment happen to a pregnant woman. So I walk up to the jocks as they are nearing the girl and tip the slushies back onto them. The halls fall silent as the two stand there shocked and I cant tell what the blonde looks like since I stepped between her and the two.
"Walk away and leave this girl alone. It is not right to pick on girls especially when they are pregnant."
I tell the two jocks with an even look on my face since I have faught people twice their size before.
I watch them walk away before turning around to see if the girl was ok.
"Are you okay ma'am?" I asked
She stood there a few seconds looking at me shocked before saying
"You are either the bravest or dumbest guy I have ever met."
"Why do you say that?"
"You just slushied two of the guys on the football team meaning almost all of the team is gonna be gunning for you now." She said in a duh like voice.
"They can try, and why do you say most and not all of the team? I asked confused.
"Well four of the team are in glee with me."
"Ok. Excuse me for not knowing but what is your name, I am Wesley Gilbert but most people call me Wes." I said sticking my hand out for her to shake
"I am Quinn Fabray"she replies shaking my hand.
"I have next period off do you want me to walk you to your class?" I ask hoping she says yes
"You must be new here because I am a loser and no one hangs around with the losers. That and no one is dumb enough to slushie the football team." She said before I even got the chance to ask and almost like an after thought she adds " Yes you can walk me to class."
"Yeah I am new around here, I moved from Colorado." I say as I limp along side Quinn on our way to her class. Unfortunately she noticed my limp.
"May I ask why you limp?" She cautiously asks. I look at her with a smirk at her caution because no one in Colorado was cautious about it.
"You can ask, back in Colorado I am called a hero because I stopped a school shooter saving multiple students and teachers but in the process I got shot twice once in my upper left leg and once in my left side." I say quietly. Quinn looks at me with shock written all over her face. So I say " I know its surprising but you cant tell anyone."
"Ok, this is my class I will see you at lunch." The blonde said with a finality that surprised me since I had only ever heard such finality from my parents.
"Ok see you then." What we both failed to notice was a short brunette watching us.
Rachel POV
I watched as the boy stopped Azimio and Karofsky from throwing slushies on Quinn. I also watched as he kindly walked her to class and that they were talking the whole way. I had no clue who the boy with the limp was so I went to the library to hopefully find out more about him and where he came from.
I was sitting at a table in the library working on school work. The McKinley curriculum is a lot easier than the one in Colorado.
I sat there minding my own business with my headphones plugged into my Ipod quietly singing to myself as I worked. I was enjoying sitting there listening to Garth Brookes' Rodeo, until a short brunette comes up to me talking a mile a minute
"Hello I am Rachel Barbra Berry and I couldn't help but hear you singing, though at some point you were sharp and others you were flat. It is quite obvious that you lack my years of training after all I won my first singing competition at the age of 1. You should join glee club though because I can always use more people for background singing." I look up startled since I didnt see her show up and I missed half of her rant. All of a sudden I hear another voice. I look to my left to see a boy in a wheelchair and a girl standing next to him with a lot of black clothes and gothic looking makeup.
"Rachel calm down you're gonna scare the guy away." Said the girl who then looks at me and says "You already met Rachel there but I am Tina and this is Artie. Word is going around that you slushied Azimio and Karofsky." I go to answer but Rachel beats me to it.
"Indeed he did fellow glee clubs members. I watched him knock the cups back onto the two jocks to stop them from pouring the slushies onto Quinn." The whole time she said that she did not take a breath. I looked at her and asked.
"Do you always talk that much? But I did stop Azimio and Karofsky was it, from slushying Quinn. I mean it is not right to bully a pregnant girl." I say looking and sounding bored. Before I forgot I also introduced myself.
"My name is Welsey Gilbert, by the way and it is nice to meet you." Rachel just huffed and walked away because after my initial question I didnt say anything else to her.
"Good to meet you man." Artie said
"You know I don't know much about this place, I just moved here and am a sophomore." I said trying to get a conversation. I started mentally cursing my poor social skills.
"We kinda figured, so we will help you. It sounds like you already met Quinn the former queen of this place, you met Rachel the resident diva and loser. You pissed of Azimio and Karofsky this pissing of the football team." Tina says
"I know I pissed of the football team Quinn already told me about that. But she also said there was four that wont be pissed at me." I let the two know, from the looks of them though I am gonna guess they are a couple.
"Okay so I will tell you about the four who wont be pissed one is Quinn's boyfriend Finn Hudson quarterback, Finn's bestfriend Noah Puckerman, Matt Rutherford, and Mike Chang." Tina said.
"And I will tell you about people to avoid. Santana Lopez once Quinn's second in command is able to tear anyone down with her words. Brittany Pierce, Santana is fiercely protective of the girl. They are both on the Cherrios, Quinn used to be the head Cheerio. The person you want to avoid the most though is the Cheerios coach, Coach Sylvester is the harshest person you will ever meet." Artie finishes telling me just as the bell rings signaling the beginning of lunch.
"Thanks for telling me all this, but I gotta go I'm meeting with Quinn in the lunchroom." I tell them with a hint of excitement.
"We can walk with you to the lunchroom." Tina offers.
"Sure the more the merrier."
And off to the lunchroom we go.
As Artie, Tina, and me are walking to the lunchroom we come across a group of students. As I push my way to the front of the group I see Quinn in the middle so I start moving faster. When I get to the front I see four or five football players standing in front of her each with a slushy and Karofsky leading them. I stop in my tracks for a split second before I see the jocks start to pull their arms getting ready to throw the ice cold drink. I quickly stand in front of the short blonde girl blocking any of the slushies from hitting Quinn. There is a collective gasp from the crowd. I stand there unfazed by the cold before sending a glare at each of the jocks that makes most of them drop the empty cups. I quickly wipe the ice off of my face and look over my shoulder to see Quinn standing there a little scared. I snap my head back forward and say evenly yet with a hint of anger.
"I warned you earlier but it seems like you may need a different form of encouragement to leave this girl alone because she is under my protection and unless you want to find out what that entails you may want to leave." I say loud enough for everybody in the hall to hear.
Karofsky snorts. Further angering me but I will not throw the first punch.
"You think I am scared of you. I could beat your ass like there's no tommorow." He says arrogantly.
Personally I would have liked to keep this hidden a bit longer but shit happens.
"Can you please hold these for a second." I say softly as I take off my glasses and hand them to the girl behind me then turn back to the jock in front of me saying. "If you are so confident prove it fight me." I say with a smirk and the brute looks a little uneasy at it. But none the less he still swings at me and I dodge easily. He put so much force into he is thrown of balance so I quickly sweep his legs out from underneath him like it is nothing. I stand up to my full hight.
"Had enough yet?" I ask calmly.
He grunts but stands back up throwing a flurry of punches at me. I dodge every single one with no effort before grabbing one of his arms and twisting it behind him and throwing him on the floor. I fake a yawn.
"Are you done?" I question as the other football players help Karofsky up. He looks at me before walking away rubbing his shoulder. I look at Quinn.
"Can I have my glasses back, I cant see to well." I ask softly because the whole hallway is so quiet i dont have to talk loud.
"Oh yeah, here." She said
"Thank you so kindly." I tell her before addressing the crowd. "Do you all understand that anyone that trys bullying Quinn has to deal with me. Now get going."
As the crowd walks away Tina and Artie come up to us just as surprised as everyone else.
"You didnt tell us you could fight. Did you know he could fight, Quinn?" Artie asks seeming the first to come to his senses.
"She didnt know, Artie. No one did I wanted to keep it a secret and I hardly call what I did fighting."
We reach the lunchroom (after a stop at the bathroom for me to clean up) and the room goes silent having already heard about what happened in the hall. We get our food and I follow Quinn, Artie, and Tina to a table that has Rachel, a tall dopey looking guy, a guy with a mohawk, a latina, a tall blonde girl, a darker skinned guy, a lager darker skinned woman, a well dressed guy, and an asian guy. Quinn sat down next to the tall guy while I sat across from her.
"That is Finn, Puck, Santana, Brittany, Matt, Mercedes, Kurt, and Mike." Artie said pointing at each person in turn. At that point Santana decided to pipe up.
"Who are you gimpy?" The whole time she looked bored. Before I answered I took time to study each person. Finn didnt seem to bright, Puck seemed like a guy that wants to bee seen as tuff but is a softie, I couldn't get a good idea on Santana. Brittany sees the world in her own special way, Matt is a quiet calculating person, Mercedes and Kurt are both out going people though I think Kurt is gay, Mike is also a quiet guy but he seems like a decent person.
"Is that all you got for an insult? I have seen a horse with more bite than you." Everyone is shocked that I had a quick response where as Santana looked pissed.
"Now look here four eyes I am the one that gets to insult people so dont make me go all Lima Hights on you ass." The latina said in a threatening tone.
"Dont threaten me with a good time." I say with a smirk. Puck decides then is a good time to speak up.
"I like this guy he's got good comebacks. I also hear you slushied both Karofsky and Azimio and kicked Karofsky's ass, dude." At the mention of the two dick heads picking on Quinn my anger flares up a little only to get stomped out when I sneak a glance at said blonde.
"Yeah I did they were picking on Quinn and I couldn't let that fly it's not right to pick on women especially if they are pregnant. Name is Welsey Gilbert most call me Wes. Some know me by other nicknames I have earned." I claim with pride seeping out in waves. At that everyone goes into their own conversation with each other.
"Thank you for that by the way for everything you have done today."
Quinn says
"There is no reason to thank me I am just doing what my mom taught me to." I reply thinking of how proud mom would be that I didnt actually hit someone.
"No seriously dude I owe you for protecting her and my child." Finn says, I notice something strange though at the mention of the baby being Finn's Puck's face turns into anger for a second before returning to normal. I decide to change the topic and ask about that later.
"So you all are in glee club?"
"Yeah, how did you know?" Finn answers.
"Quinn mentioned something about it this morning when I first met her and then in the library Rachel said something about it." I say with a bit of a wince. That I dont think anyone noticed.
"That makes sense. Would you be interested in joining?" I get in reply. Have my hands been shaking so bad for a while I think to myself as I go reaching for my bag to get pain killers.
"Maybe but with my limp I cant dance to well." I say before opening the container the pills are in and popping one into my mouth. My hands stop shaking as bad and my leg doesn't hurt to bad now.
"Dont worry Finn cant dance either." Quinn answers before Finn can.
"Where do I join?" I ask inquisitively.
"Auditions will be held in the choir room after school today." I am told from Rachel who was apparently listening to our conversation.
"Alright I will see you all then. But at the moment I think I will go print some sheet music for the song I will sing." I inform the group. In return I receive a bunch of ok's" and "see you later's"

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