The Aftermath

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I am so not looking forward to going to school if what my cousins said is true and my secret is out.
I suppose I have no choice mom would be pissed if I didnt go. I'll try and go through the day unnoticed. I get in my 2004 ford ranger and head to school in my blue jean's, my camouflage t-shirt with to many holes in it to count, my lace up boots, and my freedom hat.
I get to school and no one is looking at me so I keep going to my locker.
"Maybe Al was wrong." I mumble to myself not expecting anyone to hear.
"I dont think Al was wrong, hero."
I hear seductively whispered in my ear. I snap my head to the right to see Santana looking at me like I was her next meal.
"Damnit Santana dont do that, and what do you want?" I question her motives as to why she is talking to me.
"I was thinking maybe you take me to Breadstix and then back to my house tonight." The latina said while still giving me a hungry look.
"I'll have to pass, I dont just fuck someone because they offered themselves to me." I respond while going back to collecting things from my locker thinking the girl would just leave.
"No one rejects me." The latina says angrily before walking off.
I finish collecting my things before walking towards Quinn's locker knowing she should be ready to go to class. When I get to the blondes locker I over hear her and Finn talking.
"We need to pay these doctors visit bills." Quinn says while looking up to Finn. At that I start thinking of ways to help them.
The best I can think of is to give some money that I saved up from doing odd jobs.
At this point Quinn and Finn have walked off so I just go to class and let my thoughts consume me. As I am sitting in first period I am so checked out that I dont notice the jocks looking and talking about me. I dont take notes or anything, I just sit there, moving fingers around the base of my left hand middle finger. I used to always have a ring on that finger. I do that until the bell rings
Lunch time
The first half of school went the same with me just caught up in my mind. As I am walking towards my locker to get my food I see a crowd of students. I walk over to see what is happening only to get yanked into the center by Azimio. When I finally caught my balance I see Al and Theo leaned against the lockers to my right. Theo was bruised badly. I look to my left and see some of the football guys.
"You think you are all big and tough huh. Seven on one, that's hardly a fair fight." I say trying to calm myself before I do something I will regret.
"They shouldn't have been in our way. You should step aside protecting the queer will do you no good." Azimio said.
"I guess you friends here haven't told you what happened last week. When both the football and hockey team tried to take me on." I say while raising and eyebrow."But just incase they forgot. I'll tell you what happened I put half of each team on their ass before my cousins here dragged me away. Now unless you want the same thing I recommend you leave." I warn really not wanting to fight.
"That's not happening."Azimio reply's.
"Unfortunate." I say before sweeping his legs out from under him. "Al, Theo please leave." They do as asked before I slowly follow them. We make it to the lunchroom and sit at a table away from the rest of the glee club because I dont want to answer questions yet. I make it through the rest of lunch and all the way to seventh period without talking to any glee kids. Unfortunately the first thing Puck said is.
"Dude are you gay, I mean no one has ever turned down Santana because look at how hot she is."
"I am not gay Puck but turning down Santana was the easiest thing I have ever done." I say while looking indifferent. I sigh before I continue "I'll answer two questions in glee."
"Okay, dude." And with that he leaves me alone for the rest of class. Last class went by too fast and now I am slowly making my way to the choir room trying to buy time. The minute I walk into the room it goes quiet before everyone starts talking at once asking questions I cant understand do to everyone talking.
"Everyone shut up." I yell before continuing in a normal tone "I will answer two questions and only two. I decide which ones I answer. Ok go."
Tina's question is the first one I hear.
"Why didnt you tell us you were so highly regarded?"
"I didnt tell you because what Rachel has told you isn't even half of the story. Not all scars are visible." I answer cryptically trying to keep as much hidden as possible. The next question I heard was from Mercedes.
"Why do you protect Quinn so fiercely?" I stop for a second and smile slightly at the sight that flashes in my mind.
"I will only answer that question to Quinn and Finn. It will take time before I am willing to tell anyone else. Y'all still have one question."
The final question I heard was from Quinn herself.
"Al and Theo had said "it wasnt your fault" what did they mean by that?"
"I should have died that day, hell it would have been better I did especially if my girlfriend had been able to live." I answer with tears threatening to spill. Memories coming back to me of the day I lost it all. I quickly reach into my bag for my PTSD pills and take one. As I mellow out I walk toward the chairs and sit in the highest riser just to be able to watch everyone. Mr.Schue comes in late unsurprisingly.
"All right guys who has a song for this weeks assignment?" Oh crap I completely forgot about that.
No one said anything they just looked around at each other.
"All right guys I guess we will just have to wait till next time but let's work on our set list." Mr.Schue said. I zone out thinking of what I will say when I tell Quinn and Finn about why I protect her. Before I know it Schue is dismissing everyone.
"Quinn, Finn can I talk to you real quick?" I call out to the pair.
"Sure man, what's up." Finn asks.
"I'm going to answer Mercedes question." I tell the couple.
"Oh you dont have to do that." Quinn reply's trying to hide her curiosity.
"Its not a problem. I know what it is like to be in your position. The joy, the nervousness, the excitement, and many more emotions. I protect you Quinn because I lost my girlfriend and my daughter." At this point I have tears rolling down my face. Finn and Quinn have looks of shock. Or at least I think that's what Finns look of constipation means. Before either one can say anything my phone rings.
"Hello." ... "Damnit I am doing what you asked so back off. I'll have it ready to go by tommorow morning. It will be on your desk when you get done with practice."... "fine it will be on your desk before practice so you can start prepping them."... "Yeah see you when you get home, bye."
"Sorry about that my aunt was making sure I am doing what she asked me to."
"No worries. I guess we'll let you get to it." Quinn offers up.
"Its alright I almost have it done. Say do you guys want to get a drink with me or something." I ask hoping the couple will agree.
"Uhhh sure." I get as a reply from Finn.
"Great I can answer any questions you two may have."
We are at a cafe called the Lima Bean and so far it's just silence between us three. When Finn finally asks something.
"How did you deal with the stress of becoming a father?"
"I took it one step at a time and did what I had to do. That was my family after all." I reply.
"Can we see a picture of the sonogram?" Quinn wonders. I reach into my back pocket and pull a picture out of my wallet.
"That is so cute." The girl almost squeals out.
"What were you two gonna do when you baby was born?" Was the next question asked.
"We were gonna raise our daughter as best we could no matter what." Was the reply.
"What does your tattoo say." Finn asks while nodding towards my right bicep. I look down and realize it was peeking out.
"It says 'If they stand behind you, protect them.' There is one on my chest that says 'If they stand beside you, respect them' and the one on my left bicep says 'If they stand against you, destroy them.'" I answer. While thinking of the initials over my heart and the last tattoo just over the scar of a bullet hole. Its silent for a few seconds before I ask my own question.
"What do guys plan on doing when the baby is born?"
"We are not sure yet." Quinn answers.
"Just know, no matter what I will support you." I feel the need to assert.
"Good to know at least one person will support us." Quinn says almost relieved.
"I know for a fact I'm not the only one. It's just the other person shows it in a special way." I say thinking of the person who called me earlier.
"Who is the other person?" Finn asks confused.
"That is not for me to say." I regretfully inform. "You know becoming a parent is nothing to be ashamed of." I say trying to change the topic before to many questions are asked.
"We know, but it is still a hard change to go through." Finn says.
My phone buzzes in my pocket. I look and see it's a text from my cousin telling me to come to their home.
"I understand. I have to go, but if you two ever need to talk I'm here for you." I say before walking off.
The minute I walk in the door Al is talking.
"Where were you?"
"I was at the Lima Bean with Finn and Quinn talking about something." I answer cryptically since not even my cousins know about me almost being a father.
"Ok, well our mom wanted you to have dinner with us."
"Yeah I can do that, I still have to go grocery shopping."
"Alright sounds good. I'll let her know when she finishes at practice."
"Ok, I'm gonna go finish my homework though."
From then on there weren't many words shared just basic talk about days and the choreography I was helping my aunt with. Before I went to my apartment.
Its Wednesday now, I got the notebook to my aunt before practice started that morning. Today I'm wearing a pair of blue jeans, the same lace up boots and freedom hat as always, and a red shirt that tears easily. I also brought my brown leather jacket. Today was a bit surprising I must say first I got slushied but no one tried to get Quinn. I had no clothes to change into so I walk around sticky the rest of the day. But when I walk into the lunch room I feel that something is wrong, I just dont know what. I go to sit with the rest of the glee club.
"Hey guys what's up?" I ask as I sit down.
"Not much, what about you." Artie answers.
"Not a thing." I say deciding to keep my musings to myself. The rest of lunch I was quiet while everyone had conversations.
School is finaly over I am almost to the choir room when I see Karofsky picking on Al.
"Are you talking back to me, you queer." Karofsky all but yells. Al stays quiet with her back to the lockers. Karofsky raises his fist like he is about to hit her. I do a quick whistle to get the jocks attention. He turns to look at me but I am already in the air getting ready to superman punch the bigger guy.
When my fist connects with his face he stumbles backwards. I step in the middle before looking the jock dead in the eye.
"You leave Al and Theo alone, now run along and tell the rest of the jocks." I walk away with Al following me. We make it to the choir room. I take my coat off, set my stuff down and sit down. It's not long before Finn comes in with an angry look on his face. He walks right over to Puck and sucker punches him. I step down to the floor to separate the two.
"Come on Finn back off."
Mr. Scheuster walks in and sees what's going on before helping me separate Finn and Puck.
"What's going on here?" Schue asks going ignored.
"Is-is it true?" Finn stumbles out.
"Who told you this?" Quinn asks.
"Obviously it was Rachel." Kurt throws in. Rachel tries to protest.
"Yeah it was Rachel. Just tell me is it true?" Finn tries again.
"It's true Puck is the father." Quinn gives in while crying.
"So all that stuff about the hot tub, was-was a lie." Quinn nods.
"And you were dumb enough to believe it." Puck throws in. Finn tries to push past me to get to Puck.
"Why are you stopping me you know how this feels." Finn states angrily.
"Finn watch your next few words carefully." I say deadly serious.
"You know how it feels to lose a child." He continues on. I lose all thought, so I just lay Finn on his ass. Mr. Schue, Mike, and Matt step forward to stop me. They grab me by the back of my shirt. I continue to struggle to get to Finn. That is until I hear my shirt tear, I stop quickly and move to get my coat. I didnt get the coat on fast enough, I heard some people gasp. I roughly pick up my bag and start walking to the door but stop next to Finn.
"Be glad shes alive at least." I say, speaking in pure anger. I walk out and head to my apartment.
Theo POV
That could have gone a lot better. On the bright side no one has asked questions.
"Do you know what Finn was talking about?" Mercedes asks, turning to me and Al. I guess I spoke to soon.
"In all honesty we dont have a clue what was going on." I tell the group.
"The only people I can think of that would know, is Finn, Quinn, and Wesley himself." Al says. Everyone turning to Quinn.
"I dont think Quinn is in any condition to answer questions." Puck throws in.
"Screw what the were talking about. What I truly want to know is about the scars on his back." Mercedes says.
"Yeah it looked like they were made into words." This time Artie. I figure now is a good thing to speak up.
"Drop it. Wesley will tell you if he wants to."
With that me and Al decide now is a good time to go home. Talk with mom about this and she'll talk with our cousin soon.

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