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I do not own Glee or any of its characters. I also dont own any songs mentioned. I am not the best writer, and feedback is appreciated.
This past week has been us preparing for sectionals. Mr.Schue has been keeping space do to him being disqualified from going to sectionals with us. Ms.Pillsbury has been filling in for him though. Finn also hasn't showed up or answered anyone's calls, not that I care I still want to beat the shit out of him. I'm sitting in a spot with Quinn across the isle from me and Rachel in front of me. I have my headphones on listening to Marty Robbins. My right hand fingers messing with the silver band around my left middle finger. For the most part it's a plain ring except for the name engraved on the inside of the band. There is also a diamond ring on a chain around my neck. I notice JBI sit beside Rachel before she pushed him off the seat and away from her. Artie is finaly loaded on the bus and we are now just waiting for Mrs.Pillsbury to get on before we go. On the way there I shut my eyes and focus on my emotions and thoughts. As I focus I control my breathing and slow my heart. I'm so lost in myself that I dont realize we have stopped till someone is tapping my shoulder. I look at the person tapping my shoulder, it's Mike. I nod my head knowing what he was going to say. We all exit the bus and head into the venue where the competition is being held. I'm looking around as we walk and I notice a very familiar girl with brunette hair and sparkling blue eyes. I stop, blink and rub my eyes. She has dissapeared so I shake my head and keep walking. I continue to follow the group and we stop in a rest area so we can wait for Ms.Pillsbury to get us signed in. The others are talking animatedly amongst themselves. I'm not paying the slightest bit of attention to them because I see the same girl from earlier walking through the crowd. I get up to follow her and it seems like nobody has noticed until I feel a gentle hand on my arm. I look at the hand then follow the arm up to the persons face, its Al.
"Hahaha, stop, hahaha" Al's mouth is moving but those aren't her words or her laugh. I bring my left hand to my head and shake my head then look back at Al.
"I'm sorry Ally what were you saying?" I ask my cousin. She looks deep into my eyes before responding.
"I was just asking where you were going... are you feeling ok Wes?" I heard her words but I was looking in the other direction because I felt a smooth, gentle, familiar touch on my other hand, tugging me in that direction. But there was no one there. So I give a half assed answer to Al.
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just...uh... gonna go over here for a little." Then just like that I walk away. I follow the tugging sensation in my hand before I reach a junction in the hallway where it just stops. I look down both directions, first the hallway to my left then to my right. There at the end of the hallway to my right is where I see her, that long silky brown hair. Those bright and shining blue eyes. That face covered in so many freckles, her small lithe frame, that dazzling smile that always made my heart beat faster. It's her my eternal love Alexis. So I follow her. We walk a little ways before we reach an empty balcony that overlooks the entire stage and seating area. That is where she stops turns around and brings my hands into hers.
"Wesley, it has been so long since we have seen each other. And I wish I could spend all the time in the world with you. But I come with an important message that you need to know." She stops to make sure I am listening.
"Yes my love please tell me." I almost beg.
"You must reconnect with your other half. Your soul is tearing itself apart. You also need to meet with the locals." She tells me, it's vague but I understand the meaning. I look Alexis in the eyes, nod then just stand there staring at her beauty as she slowly fades from site. I wait as long as I can to blink but the need to hits faster than I hoped. As soon as I have my eyes open again she is gone, I heave a deep sigh. I look downcast then I go to meet back up with the others.
When I get back with the others we head down into the rows of seats and watch as the other glee clubs perform our songs with our choreography. I just sit there with my head in my hands, feeling guilty. That's how I sit and feel until Rachel finally stands up.
"Meeting in the green room in 5." She orders, then storms off.
When we all get there, everyone is upset and sad. Unfortunately it doesnt take long for fingers to start getting pointed.
"You leaked the set list, you dont want to be here. You're just Sue Sylvesters little moles." Kurt acusses Santana and Brittany.
"I know for a fact that true. Sue asked us to spy for her." Quinn unhelpfully throws in.
"Look we may still be cheerios but neither of us ever gave Sue the set list." Santana argues.
"Uhhhhh. I- I did, but I didn't know what she was gonna do with it." Brittany adds.
"Ok, look believe what you want. But no one is forcing me to be here. And if you ever tell anyone this I'll deny it. But I like being in glee club. It's the best part of my day, ok. I wasnt gonna go and mess it up." Santana honestly announces. There is a few seconds silence before 2 things happen.
"I believe you." Rachel says.
I mumble fuck then announce my truth.
"Brittany did give Sue the set list but I destroyed it. Later Sue came to me with a threat, so I gave her another copy." Everyone stops and looks at me. Then before anyone could start yelling at me Rachel huffs out a breath and starts talking again.
"Look guys theres no point in arguing anymore. We have to go on in less than an hour."
We eventually come to the desicion of Rachel singing the ballad and us all closing with Somebody to Love. Finn walks in now, with sheet music. Then Finn started showing that he could be a good leader and started giving orders on how we can do the best we can. Finn asks for his spot back from Jacob Ben Israel when Puck steps up to Finn.
"We cool bro?" He asks holding his hand out to Finn.
Finn turns to look at Puck "No."
When Finn turns around there I am. "If it wasnt for the fact that we need you right now, I would be beating the crap out of you." I say in a threatening voice making sure no one other than Finn could hear me. After that we all come together as a group and get a new set list together with the Hope's of winning. Rachel opens with "Dont Rain on my Parade" we then go onto "You Cant Always Get What You Want" then finish with "Sombody to Love". We still win despite everything against us.
When we return to William McKinley High School we set up for one last song for the day. This time it was for Mr.Schue, we sing "My Life Would Suck Without You". We had incorporated as much dancing from some previous songs as we could.
Quinn and I had gotten home a while ago. She hasn't talked to me since we got here though, I know shes upset about what I did.
"Look Quinn, I wont deny that what I did was terrible. But you have to realize I had no choice, Sue has some major shit she dangles over my head in order to keep me in line." I say apologizing to the blond girl.
"What does Sue have against you that is so bad?" She basically yells.
"The easiest way to put it is it's bad enough to cause me serious trouble and you to have to find a new home. Which I will not alow." I try explaining to her. Quinn only looks at me confused.
"I'll explain in time but for now let's go to sleep. It's late." The girl looks sceptical but accepts it for now. Quinn soon heads off to her room and closes the door while I pretend to get ready for bed. I wait about an hour before I get up quietly get a duffle bag, shove some of my clothes and a few robes in it. I sling the bag over my shoulder and I walk out into the woods. When I reach a clearing, I let out a humanly howl, then sit down and sing to myself.

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