During Miguel

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I personally know a lot about rejection and being led. I always the perfect guy would come and find me, not this generation just about hookup, drinking, and, smoking really sad in my opinion. Honestly, love overrated maybe the fact the many times I've been rejected many times but this is not about my sad love life but about how the last boy that messed with my heart is the one who helps heal me and find the boy that made me believe in love. 

when I started middle school people were getting their first kiss and boyfriend and girlfriend. I always thought about how it be with someone that cares for me. Personally, that ended rather quickly. by the end of middle school, my idea of ¨true love¨ had floated into thin air. mainly because of one person, Miguel it started off as me helping with his homework, we eventually when to talk every day about everything. I showed him the most vulnerable part of myself, the shit about my dad, my uncle's death when I was younger, I let him take down my border brick by brick until there was nothing left. why did I show him ? he showed that he cared. I thought he was different from the rest. No, he wasn't he was the same person I had met before

The boy that made me believe in loveWhere stories live. Discover now