BTS: Beyond The Scene

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#ElpízoPhotoPrompt5: Shadow

You were created,
with a unique PERSONA.

You have God's DNA;
fearfully and wonderfully made.

Your existence is a SERENDIPITY,
and predestined to be co-heirs with Christ.

are visible to God's eyes.

Stop embracing FAKE LOVE,
but rather believe in the overwhelming,
never-ending, reckless love of God.

Don't focus on your failures,
but BEGIN to move forward.

Always be hungry for God's revelation,
like EPIPHANY in the state of EUPHORIA.

Don't be scared of the storm,
SPRING DAY will come.

You are a new generation ANPANMAN,
you can be a hurt healer ,
not a hurtful heretic.

You can overcome evil with good,
and every can MAKE IT RIGHT.

You have been brought with a price.

Don't let other people define you.
Stop hiding behind the SHADOW.

Start exploring beyond the scene,
and step out of your comfort zone.
Be the LIGHT and salt of this world.

You are destined for more.
Be the person God wants you to be.

You are His most treasured and beloved masterpiece. 💜


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