Friendly Competition

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   "You guys have a pair of Hunters coming up on your rear," Nigel said, calm as ever.

   "We got this," Elizabeth said, motioning for Virgil to continue forward.

   "I don't need you guys getting-"

   "It'll be fine, don't worry," Sylvia agreed.

   "We need to win, anyway..." Elizabeth continued.

   "Don't you dare get hurt," Virgil sighed, pointing at the two ladies.

   "We won't!" Elizabeth said joyfully as the two laides rushed towards the pair of Hunters that just appeared. A green glow around one of the Hunter's cannons signaled that it was about to fire, giving Sylvia plenty of time to avoid the blast. Elizabeth ducked under a Hunter's shield and spun around, firing a shotgun shell into its exposed back. It stumbled forward in pain, and Elizabeth sent another shell into its back, forcing it to a knee. Suddenly, the seconf Hunter roared behind her and brought its shield towards the Spartan. Elizabeth dove to the side, avoiding the shattering strike. Sylvia appeared behind the Hunter who was charging its cannon, a plasma grenade glowing blue in her hand. She shoved the ball of death into the exposed mass of the Hunter, and dove back as a blue explosion rippled from the Hunter. Elizabeth's Hunter, on its feet again, began rushing towards Sylvia, but suffered yet another shell impacting its back, causing it to fall forward. Sylvia sidestepped out of the way of the fallen giant, and grinned at Elizabeth behind her helmet.

   "And Virgil was worried!" Elizabeth laughed, loading more shells into her shotgun.

   "Girl power!" Sylvia said simply, before jogging down into the structure.

   Virgil shot three more rounds into the Elite, causing it to stumble as its shields broke, allowing the bullets to impact flesh. One more shot to the head caused the warrior to slump to the ground. A pair of Jackals poked their heads out, and each recieved a shot to their eye, killing them both. As Virgil reloaded his DMR, an Elite-shaped shimmer appeared in the corner of his eye. He instantly moved right narrowly avoiding another sword of plasma. He threw the DMR onto his back and activated his Armor Ability, disabling the Elite's Active Camo in a flash of blue. The Elite roared and charged, as Virgil pulled out his personal Tomahawk and prepared himself. The Elite stabbed at Virgil's center mass, though failing to hit as the Spartan sidestepped quickly. Virgil swung his weapon down at the arm of the Elite, cutting it clean off at the elbow. The sword shimmered from life as it fell to the floor, while the Elite roared in pain. Virgil spun and plunged the Tomahawk into the Elite's throat, silencing the beast. Virgil sighed and pulled the Tomahawk back out of the body, shaking of the purple blood the best he could. The sounds of his team entering the room filled his ears, and he spun around to meet them.

   "That was fast," he commented as Elizabeth and Sylvia appeared in his line of vision.

   "I told you we'd handle it, no problem..." Elizabeth said, hand on her hip.

   "And how's Nigel doing?"

   "Just fine. Covies had a Phantom drop off some reinforcements, but they didn't last long, let alone make it inside," the man informed.

   "Sounds good. Now let's finish this, guys."

   Elizabeth bolted forward, with Sylvia just behind her. Virgil took a quick look around, before following the pair. They quickly found themselves in a large, open room, saved some crates, with several Elites in it. Virgil and Sylvia readied their weapons, as Elizabeth crept forward, using the crates as her cover.

   "On my mark?"

   "You got it, team leader," Sylvia replied with a nod.

   "I'm good to go," Elizabeth remarked.

   "Let's hit that Zealot, Sylvia. 3... 2... 1... Mark!"

   Shots erupted from the barrels of the precision rifles, each embedding themselves in the shields of the Zealot, and then the skull once its shields failed. Elizibeth rushed towards the remaining two Elites, bringing one down with a blast from her shotgun. The remaining Elite activated his sword and began to sprint towards Elizabeth, who fired her shotgun at him, making the enemy flinch and stumble. The shields ceased, and with another shell, the Elite fell over and died, the purple blood spilling from his wounds. Moments later, four Spartans busted into the room from the side opposite Aeolus.

   "Hey, I guess we win," Elizabeth said. Virgil swore he heard the smile in her voice.

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