War Games

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   Sylvia fired the final shot of her magazine into the unshielded Spartan's face, letting the body fall to the ground with a thud. She glanced up an noticed to more Spartans advancing on her, weapons about to fire. One dropped, a clean hole in the man's visor. The other managed to fire a single shot, before suffering the same fate.

   "Thanks, Nigel," she said quickly, before continuing towards the enemy base.

   "Any time," he responded in his usual, calm manner.

   She continued her movement up the empty hill that crept along the far side of the base. A single Spartan was left at on the second floor of the base, wielding a Railgun. The woman suddenly raised her weapon, aiming in the opposite direction of Sylvia. A Warthog came bounding over the other hill, and Virgil hopped out of the passenger seat as the jeep landed. He sprinted into the base, and Sylvia found herself doing the same, while their teammates from Fireteam Graphite distracted any enemies. As Sylvia ran into the base, Virgil was already mowing down the line defender with his Machine Pistols. The woman, who had been caught on a reload, didn't last long against the combined fire of three weapons.

   "Can you drive?" Virgil asked as he grabbed ahold of the flag.

   "I can!" Elizabeth said as she pulled up in a Warthog of her own. Virgil instantly hopped into the passenger seat, and Sylvia could have sworn she heard him say something sweet to her as he got on the turret. Just as the team took off, an enemy Warthog appeared behind them, firing away. Sylvia swung around and returned fire, aiming for the enemy gunner. A sniper shot rang throughout the forest, and the gunner fell off of the turret position of the enemy Warthog.

   "Thank you, Nigel!" Sylvia shouted.

   "Better hurry up, they're not very happy with us..."

   "They never are..." Sylvia sighed as she brought the gun forward. Elizabeth mowed over a stray enemy, while Sylvia shot down any other enemies on foot. Virgil leapt from the vehicle and onto the remaining foe, impaling him with the flag as he landed. Sylvia stepped down from the Warthog and walked over to Nigel, who himself was walking to her.

   "You are an amazing sniper, you know that?" Sylvia commented.

   "Yeah, I get that every now and then."

   "Game over!" the announcer's voice echoed throughout the area.

   Elizabeth and Virgil walked out of the base, which had just faded from existence, leaving a blank room.

   "That was great!" Elizabeth commented, and Sylvia swore she could see her teammate's smile through her helmet.

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