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And now I am here at Thailand
International Airport, actually I didn't told anyone that I will back today, even my mom doesn't know. I am just waiting for a grab taxi. I wanted to surprise them.. yeah it's been a long time since I left but nothing changed, still feels home.

While waiting I heard commotion beside me.

Hey boy didn't you look at your way?  The foreigner asked, because there's a boy, no not actually boy, a man, yeah I didn't see his face because he is facing at the foreigners. But based on what he look, he is taller than me a little, he dress like teenage boy, he wearing blue jacket, with a printed big Bunny, wait, it l, he also use white pants, low cut sneakers with a bunny again, even his bag back that on ground right now has printed with bunny and has bunny kitchen, did he likes that Bunny so much and while looking at him saying sorry to foreigners, bowing his head, I can't help myself not to stare at him, he look familiar, his body, the way he move, his hand,.. he looks like...
No he is not Win, yeah he loves Bunny, the way he dress up is like Win, but his hair is Black, yeah it's same to Win that looks so smooth but different color, but he can change.. oh gosh Bright what are you thinking he is not Win, you just misses him so much.
Now he is talking to foreigners like he settled everything, wow he good at communication ha.. after he talked to foreigners, he go, and here I am still looking at him, wishing that he look at my place , I don't know why I wanted to know what he looks like. And looks like God answered my prayers. When he look at my place..and....

Babe? Win...God.. I know he is my Win, my heart can't deny it. And I confirm it the time he smiled, oh God that bunny teeth, that chinky eyes, God, please don't wake me up, please... Then he look away and run again.. Win I called him, babe..  I shout many people look at me but he just run and and never look back.

I try to look at him, I run to the place where I saw him, but he is not there anymore.. what's happening? Is he Win? Did I see Win? Gosh, I didn't know, I need to talked to uncle and auntie right now..but what if I am wrong, I needed to called someone who can help.

I get my cellphone on my pocket then called somebody that I know that can help.

Hello Agent M. I need your services right now, I had people I wanted you to look at.
Then I hang up my phone, I needed to make sure, I know I give myself another reason to hurt but for my babe I will do everything.

After that incident my Grab taxi called me, so I had no choice but to live, I go to our house, my mom surprised and she is very happy, she didn't mention the things the we've talked while I am in Japan, after that I go to opas-iamkajorn residence and talked to Win parents about Souri, and they agree even his siblings agree, well except Mick that until now is mad me.

And now here I am to his favorite place to talk him.

Mick? I called him and he looked up me with so much hatred on his eyes, well I can blame, even me , I hated myself so much.

What are you doing here?  He asked.

I wanted us to talked, and say sorry..
I said while walking so I can sit beside him,  actually we are here in there backyard. This is Win favorite spot, this is where he played golf.

Your sorry cannot bring my brothers back he said with the coldness in his voice.

I know, that's why I am sorry..I know what you feel Mick..I said while looking at him.

You don't know what I feel P', you never known because you cannot feel the feeling of being left by the most precious people in  your life.

I know because Win is so precious to me, he is my everything Mick. I said wanting him to believe to what I said

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