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(at office)

sir i transfer all the files and scheduled to Tine already, he start working now with you.  Sheila said..well it's been a week since  I try to contact Loveruk but she always out of coverage or she didn't answer at all, it's one week since I try not to think that Tine is Win but no single day I succeed..I always end up believing and Hoping that he is Win, that he is my Win. I can't stop myself, I can't control myself because rather than looks, they acted the same, the way they talk, the way they walk, even mannerisms..they are too the same.. how can the two person are the same in many aspects rather than physically.

Sir..Sheila called..

Huh? What? I asked..
Sir are you okey, you are yourself right now? I asked if I can go, but you never look at me, and looks like your mind are not here...are you okey sir..

Yes I am , I am just thinking something.. I said..
Oh by the way Sheila, what time did you live?

Ah this afternoon sir, I will just talk to Tine  then get my belongings after that I just eat lunch because I need to travel long. After that I'll go sir.

Hmm..okey..but before you go, can you asked Tine to up here..I had something to discuss with him..

Ah okey sir..I will go sir...then after that she live..

After a few minutes I here someone knock my door, then I saw Tine..

Come in ...

Boss B. Miss Sheila told me that you are calling me?
He said but I cannot control myself to look at him, he look so much Win right now, well except to those specs that he wear..his clothes now are too different.. he wore sky blue long sleeve polo, with white pants and sneakers.. like Win always wear..

Boss B.. he said.. reason for me to wake up from my dream..

Boss B. Are you okay, you look sick..well you always look sick since the first day I saw you..
He said while pouting his lips.. seriously he acted like that infront of me..

Excuse me Mr.Teepakorn?do you had a problem to my look,? And why did call me Boss B.? I asked him with serious face.
But he just put his hand on the back of his neck....while suppressing his smile..

Well Boss B. To be honest I don't have any problem to your look, your handsome, it's given, but I don't know you look like a Robot, you know that, you lack of emotion Boss B. You look stress and had no sleep.. he said while looking at me.. shits, it's that what I look?

And I call you boss B. Short for Boss Bright.. because everyone is called you Sir, so I want to be unique so I call boss B. He said while smiling.. damn..stop smiling or else I will be out of my mind and I will kiss you till you drop.

Well, it's fine with me if you call me Boss B. And about my look I am fine being like this. I don't want to please anybody.
I said.. without looking at him..

But Boss B..I saw your picture look alive and fresh.. actually you are just like your name..
He said while staring at me, like he wants to know something.. Win always do that..when I had some secret to him, he just look at me like that then all of my wall are broke easily.

Well that's from the past..and I called you right now because I wanted you to do something from me..I need to take a 2 days live, clear all my schedule, because I had some important stuff to do it.. I say while signing papers on my table..

Where did you go boss B.. he said that's why I look at him with disbelief in my face.. seriously he asked that..

Eh Boss B.. I just wanted to know.. it's that too important to cancel meeting to those client that is scheduled for today..

Well yes it's too important, but it's private matter, it's nothing to do with the work so stop bugging me and do your work Mr. Teepakorn.. I said with seriousness in my tone..

Okey...just like is you.. I'll do it na boss B..
He said the while smiling and waving his hand on me while living my office, he even jump..what a nuisance... I said ..

Then I grab my phone, I needed to call.someone who can help me..

(On the phone)

Bright: Hello p' Gun( yes I called p'gun, one of the closest friends of Love.)
Gun: oh hey bro what's up?
Bright: do you Know the new address of Love..
Gun: yes I am...why bro?
Bright; I need it..give me her exact address..
Gun: ow...too demanding never change..
Bright: I need it..just text me the address thank you..I needed to put it down.. goodbye..

I didn't give him a chance to say goodbye, well they are used to me being rude..

Then after a minute my phone vibrate.

Gun text:
You never change idiot, how there you to hanging me up.. well this is the address..*********

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