Chapter One

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"Darling, you're my, my, my lover."

"Yes, Elodie, perfect." Alexis, her singing teacher, clapped enthusiastically. "You're so ready for the end of year concert."

"Thanks!" Elodie swung her luscious chocolate locks around and packed away her sheet music. Suddenly she remembered the important thing her mother had reminded her to do. "Oh, Alexis, remember this is my last singing lesson with you? I'm moving to Melbourne early next week."

"Oh heavens, I knew I'd forgotten something," sighed Alexis, clapping her hand to her head in exasperation. "Well, I hope you have a safe trip!" She hugged Elodie tightly.

Elodie returned the hug enthusiastically. "Thanks for everything."

Alexis laughed. "It was my pleasure. I wanted to give you something." She pulled out a small oval necklace outlined in a swirly border. A pair of tiny red shoes were attached to the top and inscribed inside the necklace were the words You've always had the power.

"I love it! Thank you so much, Alexis!" squealed Elodie; The Wizard of Oz was one of her favourite old movies. She picked up her satchel and made her way to the door.

"Bye Elodie, have a safe trip!" called Alexis.

"See you soon Alexis," waved Elodie.

Elodie stepped out into the cool autumn evening. Her best friend Mannix was, as always, waiting on the bench outside the studio, reading a paperback novel. He slammed the book shut when he heard her footsteps and leapt up.

"Thank goodness, you took AGES," stated Mannix, throwing his arms into the air dramatically.

Elodie laughed her twinkly fairy laugh. "You know it was only half an hour, it's never that long when you're doing something."

Mannix grinned from ear to ear, teeth revealing metal braces. "Yes, that's why I'm your best friend. To make unnecessary jokes whenever there's a gap in the conversation."

They giggled for a while together. "You know we'll always be best friends, right?" asked Elodie warily.

Mannix gave her a 'look'. "Um, I think you must be halfway to Planet Duh. Of course, we'll always be best mates!"

"No, but seriously? Even when we move?" repeated Elodie. "I heard that long-distance relationships never work."

Mannix looked deep into her eyes and with obvious sincerity, he said clearly, "Yes Ellie, I will always be your best friend. What would this friendship bracelet be for?" He fingered the brown and orange woven piece of jewellery around his wrist. It had a charm reading Pals4Life in the shape of a triangle. "Plus, that's only romantic ones."

Elodie smiled. She held up her bracelet, which she never took off, and now in the dusky evening air, it appeared quite worn. "We'll definitely keep in touch?"

"Yes, we will text every day and Facetime every Friday night. It'll be like what we used to do after your singing lessons," pondered Mannix, staring up at the sky. "And you know what, it doesn't just have to be on Fridays."

As the pair walked along the busy main road, the lights of the city twinkled in the distance. The sky was fading to a rich navy blue, dotted by the stars a million miles away. Purple clouds dispersed to reveal the moon, basking in an elegant light. Elodie sighed, keeping in time with Mannix's footsteps beside her, something they'd always done.


Friday 12 April 2019

Dear Diary,

Today was my last singing lesson with Alexis. I don't think there will be quite another like her. I'm going to miss her, sure as two and two make four.

I'm super excited about the move to Melbourne. My new school is Central Valley Grammar, and it sounds great. I visited the website and they even have a choir. I hope I can join.

Everyone is so sad that I'm going, even though I told them like three weeks ago. Especially Mrs Beckman. She told me she's going to miss my knowledge in Art class, and honestly, I'll miss her too.

Lady, our new puppy, seems to know that a change is coming, as she pottered into my room and clambered onto my bed, long fluffy caramel ears drooped over my leg. I stroked her soft back and told her that everything would be the same, it's just a new place, and you'll keep your old bed and toys. She seemed to perk up at that and jumped down to chew on her favourite rainbow hedgehog. I can hear Abyan and Savannah-May quarrelling with Mum in the next room because they need to take down all their pictures and certificates. They were asked to do that last week. The only person who isn't that stressed out about this move is myself and Ryker, my brother, but well, he's only seven and couldn't care for anything else but playing Explorers with Daisy, Mannix's younger sister. My dad Sebastijan, comes from Croatia. He's already in Melbourne. He's so lucky he can't see all this last-minute chaos. Abyan and Savannah-May are twelve and complete opposites. Abby loves anything to do with dance and is the girly twin, while Savvy is such a tomboy, always climbing trees and playing soccer. She never EVER wears skirts or dresses, whereas Abby's wardrobe is packed to bursting point with them. My mum Teresa loves to paint, so our house is full of her artworks and now there are three huge boxes full of them.

Well, I think that's everything. Note to self: finish algebra homework to hand in on the last day of school otherwise, Mr Girth will be on the warpath!

Lots of love

Ellie x

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