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"I saw him today, he seemed...better. He was smiling and enjoying with his friends and I couldn't help but smile too.. maybe-"

"Maybe he's doing it for you.", My best friend interrupted me and I masked the hopeful look in my eyes with an amused one, holding her gaze.

"What ya mean Dumpling?", She smiled at the nickname we shared before answering me.

"Maybe, he's smiling for you. He must have thought," she stopped, clearing her throat to change her voice just a bit, making me chuckle. "This girl always tried to make me smile, she always wanted me to be happy and tried her best to do it so maybe I should do it for her."

The twinkle in my eyes was reflected by hers and we let out a small laugh together

"Maybe", I whispered, my heart thumping and making its presence known.

"Maybe", she said back.

~He's doing it for me? Maybe
11th January 2021

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